TV commentary:
Legends of Tomorrow- Hah, did they really have Biff say "Let's make like a tree and get out of here!"
Interesting though, so Mona's joining the time bureau due to her random expertise in mythological creatures?
But interesting, after Ray finds Nora and she saves John, Ray's all ready to let her escape with the time stone, damn the consequences to him. But since he gave her a pep talk to make her believe her magic doesn't have to be dark, and she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life hiding and on the run, she turns herself in to the Time Bureau in order to redeem herself.
And uh oh, just when it seem Nate and his dad were mending fences, it sounds like his dad is secretly wanting to weaponize the creatures the Time Bureau has been capturing.
Flash- Ah, so we finally find out the history of Killer Frost.
So turns out her dad has ALS, and he was trying to cure himself, doing experiments on himself and Caitlin. Caitlin managed to stabilize, but her dad didn't. Or rather while she had managed to suppress her Killer Frost side (and eventually come to terms with it), his Icicle side managed to take over and pretend to be her father her long enough to try and get her to make a "cure". Which after Cisco manages to convince Barry who manages to convince Caitlin that something is fishy, she realizes the cure would wipe out her father and leave Icicle permanently in control forever.
She manages to stop him and he gets away, but at least she has access to Killer Frost again. Turns out Devoe didn't use Melting Point's power to take away her powers, but used Brainstorm's to give her a mental block. So now she can use Wells' mental dampener things that were made for Cecile in order to talk to her other self.
And thanks to some work by Cecile and Ralph, they know who Cicada is.
Black Lightning- Hmm, some crazy stuff in South Freeland.
So apparently the residents of South Freeland are split into white and black- the white Sange, who are all controlled by Looker, who may be a vaccine child just like Jefferson, and gives them superpowers via "the Element", that weird silver liquid. The blacks are the Perdi, who live in the woods.
Now turns out Anaya is a Perdi, and her boyfriend was a Sange (who was murdered by Anaya's ex out of jealousy) Anissa helps her deliver the kid, or rather twins, one white, one black. Obviously her parents are positively scandalized. But Anissa manages to convince them to protect Anaya and their grandkids by taking the kids to Freeland before Looker finds them.
Its too late, but luckily, Jefferson (and secretly, Gambi, who's alive!) show up to help. The group splits up with Anaya taking the white baby, and her parents take the black baby. Anaya manages to escape, but her parents' group doesn't. Black Lightning finds their truck, and some dead Perdi, but the parents and baby are nowhere to be seen.
Looker has it, and it looks like her powers don't work on it. And she's tasked her minions with getting the white baby. But Jefferson is following the Element that came out from a dead Sange and heading back to Looker, so he's on course to rescue the baby.
Other stuff, Khalil, tired of being pushed around by Tobias, particularly when he orders him to kill a freaking preacher in the middle of church, and finds out Tobias sent the sniper that crippled him, decides to leave. He runs to Jennifer, who is inclined to help. It'll be interesting how big a mess this will turn into when secrets get revealed.