It was the recent news of a concept tablet/pad that was leaked from Microsoft earlier this year that fueled my hopes that Microsoft would finally rise from it's giant heap of crap. I guess I should have assumed from the start that would never happen.
I was really hoping that the
Microsoft Courier concept would kick off and come to real fruition. It is the only reason I have for keeping interest in the tablet market because it showed is the true purpose of a tablet. The Apple iPad is a complete failure in my opinion. Like some people are saying, the only reason the iPad is a success is because people will eat crap if you package it up with a pretty bow. I certainly never had the expectation that Microsoft's concept would hit store shelves in 2010 or 2011.
Maybe Microsoft
cancelled it because the project hinged entirely on acquiring the
Palm Inc. patents (that HP has now gained), or maybe it would have been a lengthy undertaking that was released far too early. Whatever the reason, I don't like it.
I guess this marks the end of my interest in tablets until someone shows me something on par with this concept. Time to step back to my original theory on Microsoft's plans: Until Bill Gates returns to be Microsoft's savior, there won't be anything good coming out of Redmond anymore. I guess I'll be putting Linux on my laptop in the near future.