Minor Logpost - Geography Lesson

Oct 10, 2008 04:29

This is mainly so we can keep up with our worldbuilding, yes.

* BellaFennix --! Idea! "Excuse me a moment, I think this would be easier to explain with a visual aid." She flicks the multitool shut and steps into the siderooms for a few moments--There's the sound of rummaging and 'where /did/ I put that?' 'Oh! I've been /looking/ for you.', surprised dinging and clickinoises...
* Basil thinks that sounds very familiar.
"If it helps any, England is firmly above ground at home. For as long as we've got ice caps."
* BellaFennix returns with a large, folded up paper, and moves to spread it out across the coffee table nearest Basil. It's a map of Bella (and by proxy, the Jaegers') version of Europa, a Europe that Shouldn't Really Be--many towns and townships are labeled on the map (Mechanicsburg, Kintostown, etc), as well as a dividing line that says 'WULFENBACH' above it, and, in German, 'SOUTHERN ALLIANCE' below it. 'Kintostown' is just above this line.
"My world, too, last I heard. I'm sure it'd get around the trade routes if it..sunk."
*And, indeed, England's smaller than it should be, the western half of the islands is just utterly gone, apparently (-if- I remember it right))*
"Technically, it isn't sinking at home. The seas are rising." He heads over to the map to study it, fascinated. "Ha! You *do* live in Germany!"
"I'm originally from here, yes." She taps where it's marked 'Kintostown'.
"Although this one's a bit out of date, the Alliance's boarder line is a bit more north than this."
* Basil hops onto the table and walks along the border of the map, scrutinising it closely.* Hmmmm. Yes, I see, Britain there is a lot smaller than it ought to be.
**Many towns have recognizable names, others don't.*
* Basil ponders the map. Ponder, ponder.*
"The airship I was on crashed about.. here." She taps the map near a township named Dorval, that's -well- into Wulfenbach lands. "And, of course, this would be the town who's opinions of my family aren't particularly high." She means Dorval, obviously. ¬,¬
* Luc looks at the Mediterranean/North African areas.
* Metody is looking for America. Home?
((The map is basically this: http://www.cafepress.com/girlgenius.37587942 , so while Luc can see the Mediterranean, Metody cannot see America, alas))
Your family?
* LOLtendo is now known as Phoenix_Wright
* Phoenix_Wright comes out from the siderooms.
"Mhm, as I said, I'm from Kintostown--and most seem to think because the Alliance has taken the town in my father's absance and used our weapons..."
"Hallo, Herr Wright."

Ah, hello Bella.
"Your family's being held responsible for the invaders' further success?"
* Basil looks up (and up and up--he /is/ a mouse) and nods a greeting to the newcomer.*
"Considering the fact that my family's weapons--our Clanks, specifically--are in the relm of unique, I can't say I blame them for the assumption in hindsight."
"Oh, dear." He looks up, smiles. "Hey, Phoenix. How're you?"

Hey Metody. Hey everybody.
"Especially since most of them still have the House's mark." She facepalms and rubs her face.
* Phoenix_Wright , thankfully, is not a stranger to talking mice.
* BellaFennix (not to mention the rumors on her /brother/, but she's not even getting /started/ on those)
"I'm real sorry to hear it. Hi, Phoenix."

Hey Luc.
That is most unfortunate.
* BellaFennix still has the map out, too, especially since Basil is standing on it.
* Phoenix_Wright is still trying to figure out what to do with so much damn silver. Yikes.
"Yours seems to be yet another world without Arista. An awful lot seems to have happened in Archerland. What we'd call Archerland" he gestures a little at the southern russia-to-balkans-touching-the-middle-east region
* BellaFennix nods.

What're you guys talking about?
"The old wars, mainly. Remember I told you about the Baron's Peace?"
* Basil is a mouse onna map. Behold him as he stands firmly upon ... some random spot in the Wulfenbach Empire. He shall vacate for the uncharted territory of the table, though if people are going to poke said map.*
* Luc nods.
"Oh, you have no idea. We were at war with them until relatively recently." He glances over to Phoenix. "I think we're comparing geography."
"I asked Herr Basil here if his Britan was like mine, which led to the discussion of how our worlds differed."

* Phoenix_Wright peers at the map.
"That's too bad. I wouldn't want a fight with Archerlanders. They're smart. And pretty."
"Pretty?" He grins at Luc.
Pretty? *blinks*
* Phoenix_Wright blinkns.
"I've only met a few traders, but they were all /gorgeous/. And they're the only other military I know in my world smart enough to admit women."
"Wulfenbach's also accepts women, so did ours, for that matter." Even if the main force was Clanks, a strategest is a /stratigest/ dammit, male -or- female.
* BellaFennix (it probably helps that /Sparks/ can be either sex, too)
* Luc nods and smiles.
(The whole 'Girl sparks get kidnapped more' thing probably doesn't though)
* BellaFennix (probably not, but Bella's from after that)
(( (( rather))
"We have girls in the military too, though they've got an easier time of avoiding the draft if they want."
"Compulsory conscription is a /bad idea/."
"The 'draft'?" What is this foreign term--"/Ah/."
"There's ways to avoid it for everyone. They're just not very pleasant."
"It is, yes." Usually. Sometimes. Depending on the situation--SCIENCE! depending.
* Phoenix_Wright nods.
* Basil is ... not going to enter into a debate of this nature. He usually doesn't think on military affairs, if he can avoid it.
[And what does it say of a system that basically ends up with people who don't want to be there, but didn't have the brains or the will to avoid it?] But if one started a list of things that sucked in Metody's world, from an ARistan perspective....one would never be done.
* BellaFennix not even -getting started- on Bella's, either. Good lord. The -insane people- are usually the nobility.
* Metody nibbles his salad, oblivious to this mental criticism of his beloved and perfectly good thankyou home. Mmm....salad. It's a luxury for him. Because leafy things? Don't do so great in Steel City. But it's still a great place to live!
* Basil would think Metody's home is like ... a particularly smoggy day.*
* Phoenix_Wright would so fail in the military.
* BellaFennix reaches for her glass with her mechanical hand and takes a drink
"What're you having, Miss, if I may ask?"
"I believe this is some sort of light wine, I'm not entirely sure, I went for the first lightest thing that was labeled safe." She gestures to the bar, where the bottle still sits on top of it.
* Basil returns to his lime-green sofa pillow. Because nothing quite clashes with shades of brown like lime green.*
* Phoenix_Wright thinks of wine. Decides he's not going to have any for a good while.
* Luc doesn't either, just smiling in a 'thanks for answering my question' way.
* BellaFennix sets the glass down and starts folding the map up unless there are objections.

places: england, pc: metody green (metody_green), organizations: wulfenbach empire, places: mechanicburg, pc: basil (detective_mouse), places: dorval, pc: luc (aureliaofarista), organizations: southern alliance, pc: phoenix wright (wright_idea), clanks: ding, places: #thesanctuary, places: kintostown, logposts

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