Character notes more:

Oct 10, 2008 02:51

< Metody> I invite you to imagine Metody in boot camp.
Luc can't even imagine Metody in his eight-year-olds' class.
Bella would not do well in boot camp.
while her own leadership skills are debatable due to her being a Spark, she'd rebel against the forced authority.
At age eight, Metody was much calmer and collected.
Well. Marginally calmer.
Calmer in the scale of Metody?
Aristans: Ah, if only we'd gotten him young enough......we'd be putting everyone even more at risk for Personal Emotional Entanglement.
Metody, traumatized: I want in no way whatsoever to be involved in your PEE
Bella at eight was actually a lot girlier than you'd think.
It was only after she broke through that she started to tomboy out.
* telekine snickers. 'pee'
ack i totally wasn't thinking of an acronym there.
Kinda like Agatha
* BellaFennix nodnod
She's still fairly girly--especially compared to Arabelle--but trousers are less apt to get caught in something, and have the godsend of -pockets-.
That's perfectly sensible.
(Where-as Ara wouldn't be caught dead in a dress, she just uses the logic of 'flashing everyone while flying' as a convenient excuse)

pc: metody green (metody_green), ooc posts, pc: luc (aureliaofarista), young!bella, pc: arabelle kintotech (armedandwinged), ooc notes

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