Bad Ideas and the Sparks who make them.

Oct 08, 2008 00:33

The propeller driven vehicle, needless to say, was a success.

Finding a way to load everything on it was a bit more difficult of a task. She managed to, after dismantling several cargo containers (and finding still more Mimmoths, good lord, how many was the ship carrying?), she worked a containment system on the undercarriage of the Propcar.

All that said and done, tools and everything stuck into the containers--including the portal gun, Bella Fennix was well on her way to the nearest town.

Given that this was the Wulfenbach side of the border, there were mixed feelings about how she could possibly be received.

After all, she was several months away from Kintostown, if one went by the land routes.

Of course, sometimes, distance has little meaning.

She parked the cart well outside of town, hefting up a weapon over a shoulder, the portal gun as well, and she headed for the gates of Dorval.

By comparison, Dorval was a larger town than Kintostown--hell, it had to be, considering the ruling Sparks were big power players for the longest time until Wulfenbach rolled through. It was an ugly, ugly battle, however quick it happened. The town survived, and because of its size and the fact that it had the Corbettite Railway linked to it, as well.

At the moment, the gates stood open, allowing visitors and traders from the wastelands to pass through as needed.

Good. She did time this right. She'd manage to sneak into town with the crowd mingling in and out for the day.


That was the plan, anyway.

But that's the thing about Sparks and Plans, things tend to go awry very quickly and very sharply.

"Hey! Isn't that the House Kintotech Sigal?"

Bella froze. "Eh?" One hand twitched, wanting to go for her gun. This wouldn't be the first time...

"You, there! Halt!" One of the guards jogged up with his rifle in one hand. "State your business here." He stared at Bella straight on, being just a bit taller than she was. "And who are you, anyway. You look familiar." He straightened his hat.

"I'm just here to stock up on supplies, and possibly spend the night in your Inn, sir." She gave a level look back, nervous. "And I am Annabella Fennix, of House Kintotech." She shifted her weight slightly.

The guard blinked, scratching the side of his head, "..You're Annabella? I heard you were dead or something."

"Believe me, I'm not, and I'd really like to at least resupp--"

"Miss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep you from entering the town." He stood before her, keeping her from passing.

"--What?!" Bella all but shouted, "Look, I need to get into town, my vehicle's almost out of fuel and I'd really like to get more mechanic-oil."

"I mean no offense, Miss Fennix, but for all I know you're a Construct made to scout the town by the Southern Alliance."

"You.. You can't be SERIOUS." She shook with anger, "THEY WOULDN'T DARE--!"

Oh, damn. He stepped back, eyes wide, "Now listen, you Madgirl, we can't let you enter this town! We've orders from the Baron himself!"

"..." She had an idea. An idea. "FINE." She said suddenly, turning around on her good leg and stomping off, supremely irritated.

Come nightfall, they closed the gates, locking them with a system that would probably, under normal circumstances, take days for Bella to crack, because of how large it is.

Fortunately for Ms. Fennix, she didn't have to worry about the lock. Not when she can use her arm's chain-launcher as a grapping hook to pull herself over the wall and sneak into town under the cover of darkness.

Oh, boy. This is something that can only end well, now isn't it?

((No song to go with this one, thanks goes out to Hats for the town name.))

narratives, bad ideas, places: dorval, organizations: southern alliance, sparkyness

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