Feb 02, 2008 09:45
So... The Navy wants to speed up the process. Now, I'm supposed to "sign on the line that is dotted" (GlenGaryGlenRoss reference) during the VIP trip. That gives me approximately 2.5 weeks to complete MEPS, do my PRTs, and make my final decision. I'd have no problem with this timeline if it weren't for:
1) I don't know if my Amblyopia is going to disqualify me from becoming an SWO.
2) I'm not sure whether I'd still want to join if I couldn't become an SWO... The other two options are Power School Instructor and Naval Reactors Engineer. Neither of these carry bonusses, nor have as bright of a future. :(
3) I'm not totally sure I'll pass PRTs. I'm pretty confident, but I just found out yesterday that I've been doing my push-ups wrong. :/
4) Plus, there is the issue of my knee swelling when I run...
I'm confused and hoping for the best. I know that if I can get through MEPs and PRTs, the rest will just fall into place. There are just so many uncertrainties.
Well, wish me the best.