December Kindness: Goodminton

Dec 21, 2022 10:13

The new photo_scavenger prompt is "unusual", and this decoration that Mum slipped onto my tree is certainly that.

Mum likes to slip new decorations onto my tree every year, and I usually take days to spot them.

Today, I'm finally going to join church friends for badminton, and later I'll hopefully get to watch Gee and the Best Medicine play at a local pub.

I often mistake other peoples' kindness for other things, like grumpiness or harshness, even patronising behaviour, so I'll remember my new year resolution to give others the benefit of the doubt, and notice when their intentions are kind ones.

5 ways to wellbeing, dinosaurs, music, mothers, pictures, winter, hometown, fun, other people, the best medicine, gee, pubs, bad habit, advent, best medicine, mindfulness, giving and receiving, euston church, my bad, acts of kindness, seasons, home, happiness, badminton, december kindness, family, trees, christmas, surprise, christmas tradition, gifts, notice wednesday, scavenger hunt, new year, best, solstice, friends, action for happiness, photo scavenger

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