One of my worst habits is when something goes wrong, often a little thing, I'll blame myself, and little things do get to me at times. I'll berate myself over something that didn't really matter.
For example, I did a walk this morning; I crossed a small road without looking first; about 0.1 seconds after I made it to the pavement, a car swung off the main road and into the road I had just crossed; it felt like a near miss, though I'd like to think the car wouldn't have deliberately hit me.
I keep getting this mentality that everything around me will act like the enemies you have to avoid in a a video game, and if I get caught, it's my fault - stupid really - I just forgot about the car, and enjoyed my walk.
I've managed to reach a total of 387 out of 500 metres climbed for the Hoka One One Challenge; it is 50/50 whether I'll complete it.
I spotted a couple of things on my lunchtime walk - children's artwork out on the common.
I wonder what was put here to cause the grass to wither and die?
Work has felt like a standard Tuesday again - boring. I started thinking about going to a board games club after work, but I've really just felt like having a chilled evening tonight, particularly with having plans for later in the week. Also, with the club meeting in a restaurant, I am not sure how I feel about going straight after "freedom day"; it might be chaos this week. My neighbours were off to a restaurant with friends last night; maybe I should ask them how it was.
I've been having the same hassle with trying sort out a part-time return to the office, and it's all because of ignorance of a system at work (I don't know why we can't have clear information on how to do these things).
This was my first week of running the church zoom room; some people joined, although I only managed to chat to one person. With other people, it was the usual intimidating sight of a camera switched off, and a muted mic, which almost screams "Don't try to speak to me". I was glad I managed to work the technology correctly (my success for today); hopefully it will go well next week too.
I remembered to do some Spanish practise; I got a bit flummoxed by a few things, and had to redo one module. My worst issue is when I feel my short-term memory is failing, and I forget something I read about a minute ago.