Jump Back Up July: Stop Hitting Yourself

Jul 20, 2021 17:31

One of my worst habits is when something goes wrong, often a little thing, I'll blame myself, and little things do get to me at times. I'll berate myself over something that didn't really matter.

For example, I did a walk this morning; I crossed a small road without looking first; about 0.1 seconds after I made it to the pavement, a car swung off the main road and into the road I had just crossed; it felt like a near miss, though I'd like to think the car wouldn't have deliberately hit me.

I keep getting this mentality that everything around me will act like the enemies you have to avoid in a a video game, and if I get caught, it's my fault - stupid really - I just forgot about the car, and enjoyed my walk.

I've managed to reach a total of 387 out of 500 metres climbed for the Hoka One One Challenge; it is 50/50 whether I'll complete it.

I spotted a couple of things on my lunchtime walk - children's artwork out on the common.

I wonder what was put here to cause the grass to wither and die?

Work has felt like a standard Tuesday again - boring. I started thinking about going to a board games club after work, but I've really just felt like having a chilled evening tonight, particularly with having plans for later in the week. Also, with the club meeting in a restaurant, I am not sure how I feel about going straight after "freedom day"; it might be chaos this week. My neighbours were off to a restaurant with friends last night; maybe I should ask them how it was.

I've been having the same hassle with trying sort out a part-time return to the office, and it's all because of ignorance of a system at work (I don't know why we can't have clear information on how to do these things).

This was my first week of running the church zoom room; some people joined, although I only managed to chat to one person. With other people, it was the usual intimidating sight of a camera switched off, and a muted mic, which almost screams "Don't try to speak to me". I was glad I managed to work the technology correctly (my success for today); hopefully it will go well next week too.

I remembered to do some Spanish practise; I got a bit flummoxed by a few things, and had to redo one module. My worst issue is when I feel my short-term memory is failing, and I forget something I read about a minute ago.

5 ways to wellbeing, morning, work, skyping, video games, board and card games, spanish, pictures, jump back up july, hometown, bad habit, mindfulness, after work, hoka one one, apps, summer, happiness, art, restaurant, trees, outdoors, nature, chimp, sharing is caring, success, christian, neighbours, coronavirus, strava, cars, action for happiness, active tuesday, plant, hoka

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