Work, PotC:DMC related stuff and some other junk.

Jul 04, 2006 04:49

Worked on and off last week- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Most days were okay with the exception of being stuck working with Michelle for most of them. Those when working with Tasheena are the only days that keep me sane. By Sunday I swear I was ready to kill Michelle. As we were cleaning up at the end of Sunday's shift George came in and saw that my mood wasn't good by the lovely pissed off look I wore. Several times I grumbled about wanting to kill the bitch. The lazy bitch didn't do all the much as usual.

After we left last night it stormed really badly for a while with lots of thunder and lightning and it hit the movie theatre. The power went out and it caused a fire in the electrical room near the back door. They didn't get power back until soneone came to fix it and and for a while the phones still weren't working. Good thing we weren't there.

On Wednesday and Thursday Chris and I are going to paint the windows for Barnyard. Wednesday I'll stay after my 10:15-6 shift and we'll get started. Thursday I'm off so we'll have all day until that night when we all see PotC:DMC. I may have to get rid of my Friday or Sunday since I can't go over 40 hours. I've got about 31 and that window will take up a few more. I'd rather get rid of Friday then Sunday so I could maybe come in and see PotC2 again.

Today I work and tonight night George, Stefanie and I are supposed to go to the diner and plan some of our party for the end of the month. Now Chris wants to join us according to Stefanie since he IMed her.

Stefanie and Mallory want to see the fireworks tonight. I hate them but might go. Not sure yet. Stefanie asked George if he wants to go with us. He said maybe if he doesn't have plans. I need to call him to make sure he's going to meet us at the diner if they don't call him in to work. We have a few people who are calling out or coming in late.

At the mall last night I bought a Captain Jack Sparrow action figure/doll. It has real clothes on him rather then the ones molded to him. It's rather cute. I also bought a book Blood and Vampires by Annette Curtis Klause. Then it was to Palace for dinner where the headache I had since I woke up with finally went away. Then it was to Wal-Mart for the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest soundtrack. I found it right away in the front of the music area on one of the displays. It was out by 11:30. I also bought a CD player with an attachment so I can listen to CDs in the car. Finally I can listen to some good music when in the car.

As for the PotC:DMC soundtrack, it's good so far. I'll have to listen to it a few more times before forming an opinion. On a few of the tracks they use bits and pieces of music from the first soundtrack. I don't know how I feel about that though.

One final note then I'm done here for the night. Bed beckons me since I have to be up by 9:30.

potc2, work, books, shopping, guys

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