Here for the party.

Jun 30, 2006 04:33

One week until Captain Jack Sparrow sails onto the big screen once more. I can't wait. And to think that in one week's time I'll have seen the movie. *dances around a fire with CJS and a bottle of rum in hand*

Ended up working three days in a row although today I got send home by noon. Tuesday was steady but yesterday with the three of us, it was a slow day. Tasheena and I were feeding off each other's vibes and acting crazy at times. I swear that if you put the two of us together we can scare people at times. LOL.

Chris and I are going to paint the windows for Barnyard. Somehow we both are doing it together. I guess it could be fun. It's just going to be hard coordinating times when we're both off and not working. He wants to make it a huge painting, covering all the windows on the opposite side from where I have my PotC art. We shall see what happens. It'll most likely be started next week when we both have off.

George, Stefanie and I are doing more plotting for our little party that might take place on July 28th though the date is not firmly set yet. George is like a little kid at Christmas, all excited and eager. We have to meet up somewhere to do some planning. I suggested the diner tomorrow night. He has to call and let me know. Luckily he is going in half with us on everything so that helps a bunch. He can get the tables and chairs and knows someone who runs a liquor store so we might be able to get some stuff cheaper. We just have to make sure we watch who we invite since we've having alcohol and all but three of us are under 21 when dealing with those from work. And then we have Jenn, Tony, Brittany, Michelle and Mallory who would be invited. Tony is the only one able to drink though most likely all would want to drink. George said he can get tents so people can just sleep outside if they drink. Interesting though I don't know how I feel about the backyard ending up looking like a campground. Everyone will be confined outdoors except for the bathroom. I don't want a bunch of people in the house if I can help it.

Supposedly Jenn wanted to maybe go down AC tomorrow night but that changed. Now her away message says something about a girl's night out. Wonder what that will equal out to in the end. I told Stefanie it would be amusing if we ended up going to the diner to meet George so we would plan the party and ended up meeting Jenn and the others there. I think it would be funny. She didn't because Michelle thinks she likes George. Ha! If only she knew it was me and not Stefanie who likes him.

Stefanie ended up breaking down a movie tonight and I wanted to see The Devil Wears Prada. I missed most of it because I remained in the lobby talking with George about the party. We chatted right up until he left, me tagging along to the back door. I only caught about 45 minutes or so of the movie. I never did read the book I bought either. I lent it to Sean two weeks ago and he forgot to give it back before he went on vacation.

Oh and at K-Mart I found and bought a PotC shirt with Jack on it. <3. I wore it tonight but I plan on wearing it again next Thursday night to see PotC.

party, work, shopping

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