Garlic. Types? Sources?

Mar 18, 2011 10:52

I checked (via the tags) entries on this subject for the past two years, or so, which is only about twenty or twenty-two entries, but I haven't read the entire archive on it.

I know there are softneck and hardneck garlics out there. 
My nearest and dearest nursery/garden center has garlic for sale right now, labeled in what strikes me as a rather generic manner: "California Soft Neck Garlic."  Is that an actual variety?  Is it as widely popular as it seems?

I'm not in a hurry: I'll plant the bulbils (bulblets?), and I'll wait for the harvesting.  I understand they want some cold in-ground time, so next year, even at the end of next summer (2012), will be fine.

If there's a strong argument against the California soft neck (or Soft Neck) garlic for home gardeners, I'd appreciate knowing about it.  "Strong argument" would be something to do with disease susceptibility or productivity.  "Generic garlic flavor, not like Russian hardneck" or whatever, wouldn't be, not for this year.

Comments as to preferred varieties of certified disease-free garlic are welcomed, as are mail-order sources for them in the U.S.   "Not as sweet" or "insufficiently pungent" wouldn't be strong arguments, right now.  Right now, I would like to grow garlic successfully, and then think about expanding the choices of varieties.

vegetable: garlic

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