New edition to my "plant family"! hehe.

Sep 19, 2008 10:02

This is a Paphiopedilum, aka Lady's Slipper Orchid. Isn't it pretty?! This is my personal favorite. =) The first orchid I got was a Lady's Slipper, but it died from root rot because I was still learning how to take care of them. This orchid's roots don't look so hot either, but I transplanted it into a good medium with fir bark, hard wood coal, and course perlite. I also fed with orchid food it after transplanting it. The store had it in tighly packed long fiber sphagnum. Grrrr.....

Profile shot!

Back of the flower.

Sad huh? Do you think I can revive it? =(

I thought it leaves were really pretty. I hadn't seen them like that before

plant health, flower: orchids, beginning gardener, propagation: transplants, proper care for..., color: pink

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