I am soooooo happy that garden season is finally here! I live in Western PA, so watching all of you post your beautiful pictures has just been maddening for the past couple of months! I spent almost my entire weekend in the dirt though, so now I feel much better!
This is my third year in this house, and this spring we put a lot of work into the soil (again). We added a ton of peat moss to break things up, and later on this week I plan to mulch around most of the flowers and veggies, I just can't keep up with the weeds around here. These pictures were taken early this morning, hence the low light.
I decided to move things around this year, for light purposes. In the garden that's next to the house, I've decided to start my shade perennials, I'm very excited to see how they turn out!!
I listen to a lot of AM radio in the mornings, and I keep hearing Jerry Baker tote his recipe for his "All-Season Green-Up Tonic," has anyone here used this recipe?
All-Season Green-Up Tonic
1 can of beer,
1 cup of ammonia,
1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid,
1/2 cup of liquid lawn food, and
1/2 cup molasses or corn syrup
Mix all of the ingredients in a bucket, and pour into your 20 gallon hose-end sprayer. Apply to everything in your yard to the point or run-off every 3 weeks, in the morning, throughout the growing season.
I wasn't thrilled to know that it uses Miracle Gro -- since that's something that I want to get away from. Any other suggestions?
Here's a side view of my herb/veggie garden, plus a picture with labels :) I did plant a tomato this year, but decided to do it in a container since I had problems with blossom end rot last year.
I surrounded the thyme and rosemary with stones so I don't accidentally step on them while weeding :)
This is the beginnings of my perennial garden. I added impatiens in the front since they should do pretty well in the shade.
Close ups of what's in the perennial garden:
Coral Bells - 2 of them
Bleeding Heart (!!! LOVE THIS PLANT)
Close up with flash..
Jacob's Ladder -- they'll have pretty blue flowers.
The name escapes me.. Snow something.
I transplanted this little guy -- he planted himself in my tiny front garden -- where I put in some Black-Eyed-Susans yesterday. I didn't have the heart to just get rid of him, so now he has a happy place :)
This is the hanging basket I put together this year.. I still have one more to do.
Thanks for looking!!!