NaNo, Fantastic Beasts and general TV randomness

Dec 09, 2016 15:34

NaNo Update
I was so busy trying to catch up with all the emails and posts after NaNoWriMo finished that I completely forgot to let you all know how I did.

It was very much down to the wire, last year I finished on the 25th! It was very much of a struggle this year, I don't know if that was down to not having planned it all to the hilt as I usually do or with it being such a last minute decision. I'm pretty sure that I got anywhere near a decent amount thanks to which turns writing into a game. It gives you monsters to beat, each of which requires writing a certain amount of words in a specific amount of time. It had NaNo specific ones, so their daily target of 1667 words was one challenge and they had larger and smaller ones. It's definitely a good site, they have a free trial which doesn't require providing any financial infso at all so it's worth having a look if you're interested.

Fantastic Beasts
I went to see Fantastic Beasts this week. I quite enjoyed it, but… it felt like there was something missing. I couldn't put my finger on what it was but I've been thinking about it since then and I think I've possibly worked out what it was. I was thinking about the scene where they enter the MACUSA building and we're shown this huge skyscraper, very modern, very New York. There's all that glass and metal so it just makes it look like a huge airy glass box with surprisingly few people in it. Compared to the Ministry in London which is all stone and tile with some weight and darkness behind it all. I think that sort of sums the difference between Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. It's the difference between the old historic but staid world of the UK, and the bright shiny all new and modern world of the US.
However, the world of Fantastic Beasts is sort of empty and hollow. Other than Newt and Grindelwand, none of the characters exist outside of the film. We're not really told anything much about them either, it's as if they have no past before the film started. There's brief mention of Tina and Queenie's parents but that's about it. There's two other very familiar surnames - Dumbledore and Lestrange - but both of them link back to the original Harry Potter world, rather than this Fantastic Beasts world. I think when we're used to having this rich history and backstory that we've had from the Harry Potter world, this new world seems very thin and insubstantial. Like a soap bubble. I don't know if this is because it's had to be thrown together quickly for the film and JK hasn't had as much time to build it up as she had with Harry's world but it does seem to be lacking something, some heart and some history.
And I really do not like the term no-maj. It's the most ridiculous thing. Witches and wizards are still witches and wizards, squibs are still squibs so why is there a different term for Muggles? It doesn't make sense.

And finally have a meme:
TV Meme copied from aweeghost

Which TV shows did you start watching in 2016?
Lots! I never used to watch much TV but since last year, I've started watching quite a few different series. New ones for this year were:
Jessica Jones, The Magicians, The Night Manager, The Shannara Chronicles, Agent Carter, Marvel Anime: X-Men, Stitchers, The Messengers, Galavant, and The Goldbergs.

Which TV shows did you let go of in 2016?
There's a couple that got put on the back-burner like Daredevil because I wasn't all that keen on the first series. I might watch it at some point, I haven't decided yet. I don't think I gave up on any completely but there's a few that's on hold because I haven't had the time or the laptop to be able to watch them.

Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn't in 2016? Why?
Luke Cage, I didn't have the time.

Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2017?
I saw a trailer for a new series called Timeless which looks pretty good, the premise seems to be vaguely similar to the Chronicles of St Mary's books. I think it starts at the end of December so I'll definitely be giving that a try. I don't think there's anything else.

Which TV show impressed you least in 2016?
The Big Bang Theory has been going steadily downhill for a while. The geek aspect has all but disappeared and it's now about four guys in relationships. That is very disappointing. I actually watch it now more for Amy, Bernadette and Howard because I think they're quite underrated characters and actors.

Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2017 unless things significantly improve?
None of them really. I suppose The Big Bang Theory would be the main contender but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

Which TV shows do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?
Doctor Who. It's Doctor Who. If you don't like it, just wait a while till a new Doctor comes along!

on't telly, nanowrimo, harry potter, photies, quizzes/surveys/memes, films

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