Reading Bingo 2016 - November

Dec 02, 2016 11:08

I didn't expect to get many squares this month what with doing NaNoWriMo as well. I got one done in the very first day but after that I didn't read anything for over a week. Then I got that mass lot of books from Blue so that gave me a large selection for the pre-owned square! It was just a case of trying to find the time around all the writing I was doing. I ended up reading just two and a half books this month but I don't think I did too badly considering how busy I was!

So I'm now up to 21 squares completed out of 25, currently working on the 'book read because you liked the cover' square. I've got some ideas lined up for the three remaining squares so I'm very hopeful that I'll get to finish them all this year. Last year I had just two left to do :(

Books read for squares:
A book with time travel: Just One Damned Thing After Another (The Chronicles of St Mary's #1) - Jodi Taylor
A book that was pre-owned: Divided In Death - J.D. Robb

Other books read:

Currently reading:
Uprooted - Naomi Novik

photies, #1, reading challenge

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