Nov 28, 2016 14:20
I've got a bit behind with LJ over the past week - I know I have an inbox crammed full of comments waiting to be responded to at the very least. NaNoWriMo has been rather taking up more of my time than I'd anticipated but I was busy all weekend too so I didn't get anything done at all for the past few days.
NaNo finishes on Wednesday so there's not much longer to go! My total wordcount is currently 44,414 so I'm almost there. I'm going to need to write almost 2000 words over the next three days to get finished on time and I've been mostly doing about 1700 a day so I'm going to need to ramp it up a little for this final stretch. I've got plenty of story left to write - I'm actually only about half-way through it! - so that shouldn't be a problem, the main issue will be finding the time, the energy and the inspiration. I've appreciated all the support I've received though, it's been a real boost.
Hopefully after that, I'll be able to catch up and get back to normal posting and commenting. If there's anything super important that I've missed, just point me in the direction of a post or drop me an email. I like emails, they're good for procrastination... ;)
ETA at 9.30pm: Current word count is now 48,136. That's more like it :)