Ten (and eleven) years ago

Dec 13, 2016 16:45

I've seen a couple of people on here doing the 'what did you look like 10 years ago' meme and I thought I'd do it too. This seems like a particularly appropriate day to do it as it's 11 years ago today that I started on testosterone. I remember my appointment was about noon-ish. I was trying to keep an eye on the time so that I could mark the exact moment but also to take my mind off what was happening as I was pretty terrified about the whole thing. I was rather side-tracked by the huge needle being jabbed into my arse so I didn't see what time it was exactly. It's interesting to see how much I've changed. I'm also relieved that I no longer look like a 12 year old boy!


December 2005 & September 2006
The left-hand picture was taken just a few days after my first shot before I went out to a Christmas party; the right-hand one was taken outside Boston Aquarium nine months later.

And me today, posing casually by the plug socket. As you do!

photies, transition: milestones, quizzes/surveys/memes, transition: testosterone

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