Election 2015

May 07, 2015 23:42

For the 2010 election, I intended to stay up until there was a definite result one way or the other. By 3am, with no definite majority, I called it a night. I do not think I will be staying up that late tonight!

The BBC's exit poll does not look good. They've put the Conservatives ahead on 316 seats, only 10 short of a majority. Their theory is that the Tories could then join up with the Democratic Unionists who are expected to get 8 seats so they wouldn't have to form a coalition with the LibDems again. The BBC then reckon Ed Milliband would be forced to resign, possibly Nick Clegg too. The exit poll also gives the SNP 58 seats which would be an incredible result. The general response from those in the know to this exit poll is that it's bizarre and does not tally up with other polls or sources. It has been known for the BBC's exit poll to be wrong before so it seems that no one really knows what the outcome is going to be.

There's been several comments from people about how they have voted Conservative purely to stop Labour getting in, even though they would rather have voted for someone else. It's a shame that people feel the need to vote tactically rather than vote for the party they believe in. I think the whole first past the post system is seriously struggling now that there are so many parties - it's obviously much harder to reach that 326 seat majority when the seats are divided up between 7 main parties (not to mention the 8 or so that Northern Ireland has). But I don't know how likely it is that the voting system would be reformed.

I was amused to see someone's comment in livejournal_uk earlier where they said that they would have voted for the SNP except that they weren't standing in Cheshire. I get the feeling that they might have got quite a bit of support in the North West if they had! Like I heard someone say earlier, "Could we bring the border back down this way?"

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