Ten days and counting

Nov 20, 2014 20:26

Ten days left of NaNoWriMo! And I just hit 40,000 words earlier - 40,219 to be exact. The daily target is 1667 words and I'm averaging 2010 now which is pretty good going. If I can carry on that rate, I'll reach the 50k target on the 25th November (Tuesday), five days ahead of schedule!

I'm doing rather well and I'm so impressed with that, especially after how much of a struggle it's been some days. The anxious moment last week when I thought that I wasn't able to do my plot justice didn't help there. Luckily, I had an idea which gave me renewed inspiration.

The initial plot of my novel followed a young girl called Tillie who is struggling getting started in life. She got her top class degree just over a year ago but can't find any work at all and has ended up volunteering at a charity shop. She's getting very despondent about things and it doesn't help that all her friends are doing incredibly well, both in their careers and in their love lives. Then she comes across an old necklace which has just been donated to the charity shop and she really takes a liking to it. She buys it and starts to wear it everywhere. A short time later, her life drastically picks up. She gets a great job working for an up and coming IT company, which then leads to a boyfriend, her own place and renewed confidence in herself and her abilities. However, it's not long before it all starts to go very badly wrong.

The idea I had was to introduce a secondary plot line which follows the life of the previous owner of the necklace. It's just going to cover certain moments in her life, in particular those which mirror similar experiences in Tillie's and providing foreshadowing there for what is going to happen to Tillie. Hopefully that will add the air of menace and creepiness that the original plot line was missing. The main downside is that it's added an awful lot more to write! I might have hit 40k already, but I'm not even halfway through my original storyline yet! I'm going to have a hell of a lot of novel left at the end of the month.

nanowrimo, writing

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