Hop hop hop

Nov 18, 2014 14:40

I had to go off to the doctors this morning because my foot isn't getting any better. If anything, it's actually more painful now than it was initially. The best bit was having to tell the doctor that I hurt it by exercising at home. He kind of laughed and I just said, "Yeah, it's dangerous." Because it is! Trying to stay fit and healthy is bad for you, I swear. I'd been exercising at home for over 3 months but then I found a new workout and decided to try that. Second day of it, running on the spot, and boom, twinge in the back of my heel. I thought it was probably a tendon injury so I spent the next fortnight resting it completely with a Tubigrip on and taking ibuprofen. At the end of that time, it was very much better but then I had an early trip down to London which ruined all the resting I'd just done.

Since then it's been rather painful. I started resting it again and it was starting to get better but then I got an interview in Southport and that meant driving. Then a few days later, I had to take my car in for its service, so more driving. It's been so frustrating because I've been trying to rest it and stay off it as much as possible but it's not easy when I have interviews and hospital appointments to go to. That just undoes all the good I've done with resting it.

The doctor said that he doesn't think the tendon is snapped or torn at all, although there might be some minor tearing of the little fibres. (I have no idea exactly what he meant by that, but it does not sound good AT ALL.) He gave me some stronger anti-inflammatories and said to carry on resting it until they kick in. He's given me a month's worth so I expect it'll be a week or so. If it's still not better at the end of that month, then I'll have to have physiotherapy. Fun! So once again, I'm trying to rest it as much as possible. I don't have any forthcoming trips planned so unless something suddenly comes up, I'm hoping I'll be able to have uninterrupted rest this time and finally get it better.

doctors, being ill

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