Of Painting and Potter

Sep 15, 2014 19:59

As I had planned, I managed to get out and give the fence a second coat of paint yesterday, and as I suspected, it took me nearly all day. Then again, I did do the entire right-hand side. Yes, all 8 panels of it. No wonder I am absolutely knackered today. Still, it looks good, although there's still an awful lot of blue showing through yet. And there's still the left-hand side to finish off. I've done 2 panels completely there, so there's 3 panels that have been given one coat (1 old and 2 new panels) and 3 panels that haven't been done at all.

When I made a start on the new panels the other week, I'd decided to listen to some music to keep me entertained. I was listening to hair rock which worked well, but the main downside was not being able to sing out loud for fear of frightening small children and people with heart complaints. I knew I was going to need something to keep me going with the length of time I would be painting the right-hand fence, and so I thought I'd listen to the Harry Potter audio books instead. I got up to Chapter 11: Quidditch of Philosopher's Stone on Wednesday and by the time the fence was all done yesterday, I finished the first book and was part-way through Chapter 5: The Whomping Willow in Chamber of Secrets.

I very much enjoyed listening to the audio books, and not just for Stephen Fry's brilliant reading with all the different voices. It has been quite a few years since I read any of the books which is very remiss of me but something that I had intended on rectifying anyway. (That's why I put 'Re-read all Harry Potter books' on my 101 things list!) I don't know if part of it was because it has been so long since I read the books or because I was listening to an audio book rather than reading an actual book but I became aware of so much foreshadowing in that first book! I don't mean the obvious stuff that's explained later on, such as why Harry's eyes are green or the importance of his wand's core, I mean the more hidden stuff that isn't so readily apparent. And I will put them under a cut for those who aren't interested or because even after 17 years, there might be someone who doesn't want to know!

All page numbers refer to the UK hardback versions.

Chapter 1, page 10: [Dumbledore's] nose was very long and crooked, as if it had been broken at least twice.
In Deathly Hallows, it's mentioned that Aberforth broke Dumbledore's nose at Ariana's funeral. I don't remember if the second time it was broken is mentioned.

Chapter 1, page 15: "I wouldn’t be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name!"
Not exactly planned foreshadowing, but it's certainly come true - is there anyone that has never heard of Harry Potter?

Chapter 1, page 15: Scars can come in useful. I have one myself above my left knee which is a perfect map of the London Underground.
In Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore meets Harry after his 'death' at King's Cross tube station. Bit of a stretch maybe? :P

Chapter 1, page 15-16: Harry's arrival at Privet Drive is with Hagrid on Sirius' bike
And in Deathly Hallows, Harry leaves Privet Drive for the last time in the same way.

Chapter 11: Snape is bitten by Fluffy
In Deathly Hallows, Snape is again bitten, this time by Nagini.

Chapter 13, page 159: Could Snape possibly know they’d found out about the Philosopher’s Stone? Harry didn’t see how he could - yet he sometimes had the horrible feeling that Snape could read minds.
In Order of the Phoenix, it's revealed that Snape can in fact read minds. He considers that term an oversimplification though, and says, "those who have mastered Legilimency are able, under certain conditions, to delve into the minds of their victims and to interpret their findings correctly."

Chapter 15, page 182: "Mars is bright tonight."
In astrology, Mars symbolises war and the cycle of life and death. The centaurs' understanding was that Harry would die in the Forest, but they got the timing wrong. It would happen during the Battle of Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows instead.

Chapter 15, page 188: "Stop saying the name!" said Ron in a terrified whisper, as if he thought Voldemort could hear them.
In Deathly Hallows, Voldemort finds Harry & Co solely because Harry says his name.

Chapter 17, page 214: "Quirrell said [Snape] hates me because he hated my father. Is that true?"
"Well, they did rather detest each other. Not unlike yourself and Mr Malfoy. And then, your father did something Snape could never forgive. [...] ‘He saved his life."
Not unlike the way Harry saves Draco in Deathly Hallows.

Then in the final chapter, there are 7 stages to get through and I suddenly realised that Snape's potions one is sixth. Does that foreshadow the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince with Snape and Potions being a main part? Might the other stages represent the other books then?
Fluffy from Hagrid - Philosopher's Stone
Devil's Snare from Professor Sprout - Chamber of Secrets
Flying keys from Professor Flitwick - Prisoner of Azkaban
Chess from Professor McGonagall - Goblet of Fire
Troll from Quirrell - Order of the Phoenix
Potions from Snape - Half-Blood Prince
Mirror of Erised from Dumbledore - Deathly Hallows
I feel like the Troll is more likely to represent the first book, seeing as the troll and Quirrell are main factors of that story, and that the troll in the final challenge is already knocked out, maybe indicating that the book is almost finished. In which case, I kind of think the Devil's Snare may be more fitting for Prisoner of Azkaban (Dementors) and the flying keys for Goblet of Fire (Quidditch World Cup and portkeys). Although having the different stages represent different stages of Harry's life does seem exactly like something Jo would do, it doesn't make sense if they're not in the right order.

Jo may not be the best writer, but for research, plot, foreshadowing and just the sheer amount of detail there is in the books, she is definitely well up there. The amount of little throw-away lines that do not seem to have any relevance whatsoever and yet turn out to have some great importance later on is incredible. I suppose that's the benefit of having so much of the story planned out beforehand! I never would have thought that even this many years after the first book came out, that I can read it again and still find so much in it that I'd completely missed in each previous reading because I didn't know the whole story! Or the fact that I still care enough about it to do that and be amazed with each new discovery. Once a Potter fan, always a Potter fan :)

harry potter

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