Getting close now

Jun 03, 2013 11:10

Last week was half-term week. I was really looking forward to it because I'm sorely in need of a break.

After the FMP deadline on May 3, I've been busy working on my portfolio. I'd done the initial work on it at the beginning of the school year because it was part of a unit but I'd not touched it since then. I'd put all my first year work in it, so it just needed updating with the work from this second year. And that wasn't much because half of this year has been taken up with the FMP. Other than updating my portfolio, I've not had anything else to do at college, apart from playing around with Illustrator in D's class. I made sure to print out all of that Illustrator work and stuck it in a sketchbook to put into the portfolio. I got all that finished the Friday before half-term and left it with M to look over.

So then it was half-term and I had no outstanding college work to do omg! I was hoping I could maybe have a couple of day trips and really enjoy the week. But no. On the Thursday before, I started with a horrendous cold so I ended up spending the entire half-term lying on my bed reading Stephen King's 11.22.63 and watching lots of TV. I suppose I did at least have a rest of sorts... though with slightly less going-out-ness than I would have liked.

College starts back up again for me tomorrow at 9am with A's webdesign class. Other than that, I have nothing to do. I'm not entirely sure if it's the last week or not, I'm pretty sure there's one week after the half-term and then it's exam time so there's no more classes. Then there's the end of year show which apparently is happening after all so I'll have to go in on the Monday to set up for that. And after that... I have no idea!!

being ill, being a student again

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