FMP Finished Book

May 31, 2013 10:37

Belated squee post!

My book is all printed and of course it looks AMAZING. As usual click on the images for a bigger version so you can admire it properly.

Glossy cover. Kind of like a posh Ladybird book.

I thought I'd take a photo of the inner pages and this was where I randomly happened to open the book *innocent*

I had to include copyright info for the BBC so I thought I should add details for the augmented reality app as well. It looked a bit lost with just two paragraphs so I added LJ and dA people to fill it up a bit better. And some bloke called Michael, I can't remember who he is but it makes the page longer.

So there it is, all printed! Woohoo! The only bit I'm not happy with is how close the content is to the centre of the pages but that was down to me working on a double page spread and the printers wanting it done as single pages. Hopefully people at college will be impressed by it, I'm sure some of them will. Also anyone who sees it at the end of year show. It'd be nice for some actual graphic designer types to see it and offer me a job as a result.

fmp omg

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