Hello Summer!!

Jun 15, 2012 19:35

Last day of term woohoo! I had a couple of things to do today but it didn't take me long to get everything sorted. N's brief has been more involved than the other two, so I've had a lot to finish off over the past few weeks. I had to mount the images and text on the storyboards, make an amendment to the game cover and print it out. And that was it. I had it all done by dinnertime but I had to wait around for N to come and verify that I was all done and could leave. Once he'd done that, it was time for dinner and I remembered there was some stuff I needed to ask him, so I decided to have my dinner at college rather than on the bus.

After dinner, I found N and one of the main things I wanted to ask him was about apprenticeships. L had mentioned it to me the other day, saying that there were 4 companies who wanted apprentices and none of the second years were interested so she said I should ask N about it. He took me off to an office and got the relevant person to come and talk to me. Out of the four companies, there's only one that's really suitable for me and it would involve working 4 days a week and having one day at college. The bloke said that the pay is £2.60 an hour which is rather ridiculous, but some places will pay more if they think you're worth it. I decided I might as well apply and see what happens after that. He gave me some info and I read it on the bus going home. It turns out, he had the pay figures wrong. If you're over 21, it's £6.08 an hour which is much better! I was feeling quite interested after that, until I read on where it said that you're not eligible if you have a degree. Bollocks. Oh well. Bit annoying, but I'm happy enough to carry on with the second year of the course. Especially as I'm doing so well with it!

this is what i did at school today, being a student again

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