
Jul 05, 2011 19:27

I got nothing done yesterday because I was sick. My mother has had a hacking cough for the better part of last week and late on Sunday, I realised that she'd gleefully passed it on to me. So I spent most of yesterday reading and playing Ghostbusters on my DS.

Today I have been quite productive.

I renewed got my car insurance. It's still cost me nearly £500 (£494 to be precise) but it was the cheapest I could get without using the super-cheap-n-dodgy companies.

I've booked tickets for a midnight release screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: The One Where Everyone Dies. VIP seats in the very middle of the row too! I decided against the double bill because although Part 1 was a normal film, Part 2 was in 3D. I've not seen a 3D film yet and I'm a bit wary as I'm sensitive to strobe in films so I don't want to pay nearly £14 to find out that 3D doesn't agree with me either.

And I managed to score a free copy of The Last Time I Wore A Dress which I've had on my wishlist for a while. Yay Bookmooch! It was listed this morning, I claimed it within a few hours and about an hour later got a notification that it had been sent out! It's amusing because it's an ex-library book, and it's coming from Maine too. Hopefully it won't take so long.

There's stuff I didn't quite manage to do, like book train tickets for my appointment with Dr Seal on September 26 and fix up a new connecting hosepipe between the outside tap and the hosepipe reel. But hey, that's what tomorrow is for.

t'one wi't to do list

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