It's far too early for this crap

Jul 09, 2011 10:30

I got a stupid email from some idiot regarding my website this morning. Well, one page in particular which is the STP page, the most popular page on my entire site.

I have my website set up so that people can email me straight from it, and when they do so, it automatically sets the subject as 'Hi, I saw your website'. It makes it easy for me to spot the emails in my inbox that way.

The content of the lovely email I got this morning was:
How could women do that ?! Do u generally have to use the mens restroom?I am a man and I don't mind if women use our bathroom to pee. But it would be strange to have ur junk out with a lady peeing next to u ! Lol What would u do?!

I do find it amusing that the sender seems to address me as both female and male. Checking the visitor data from the time of his email shows that he's only looked at that one page rather than the rest of my site but that alone seems to be enough to blow his tiny mind. I dread to think what he'd make of having an FTM daring to use the same toilets as him and other manly men. As for what would I do? Well, I'd do exactly the same as I'm going to do with your email: ignore you.

too much numpty business, e-mails and letters and stuffs, my website

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