(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 16:33

I am amused beyond belief over the things that people have lying around their homes or are expected to have, judging by the adverts that appear on freecycle.

Wanted: E Flat Tenor Horn.
That's the kind of thing most people will have in the cupboard under the stairs. Probably at the very back. On the left. "Oh, you wanted an E Flat one? Damn, mine's D Sharp..."

Offered: Citroen Xantia Driver's door.
How do you have a spare car door just lying around? Perhaps in some areas, car doors have a tendency to fall off and end up at your house...

Offered: Garage (must dismantle and remove.)
(because moving a garage in one piece would be SILLY)

Offered: A box containing 4 broken Playstation 2s.
How do you break 4 of them? I mean, if say they were for your kids, would you keep buying them a PS2 if they'd already broken 3?
"What happened to your PS2?!"
"It... broke. It was like that when I got here! Can I have a new one?"
"Sure. Here you go. *PS2*"
"Yay!" ... *play* .... *break*
Repeat x3.

Wanted: Stable door.
"Our horse has just bolted. We thought maybe having a stable door would help..." What sort of people have spare stable doors? And where do they keep them?

Wanted: Aluminium casting degassing tablets. "Does anyone have any spare Hexachloroethane degassing tablets?" (actual question from the ad.)
Hexachloroethane degassing tablets? Hundreds of them! I've got a huge bottle in the cupboard under the stairs. Next to the stable door and behind the E Flat Tenor Horn.

On top of all that, my sister told me today that she and her boyfriend now have a new bed, a king size one no less, because a friend of theirs had a spare one. The mind just boggles.

funny, apple

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