(no subject)

Dec 26, 2005 21:24

I hope all of you are having a good Chanuka, Christmas, Solstice or Holiday type of occasion. Mine has been pretty quiet really. My sister came over yesterday but so far none of the rest of the family have made an appearance. It's a shame really, that's the one thing I always loved about this time of year: how the family all came together and had fun. I guess we're all growing up so things change but I do wish things like that wouldn't.

I did get some nice presents, the best one being a gorgeously warm winter coat. I also got RD V and the Live Aid dvd, The Darkness' new cd and two books, both of which are the third of a trilogy, Abhorsen and Ptolemy's Gate. I can't wait to read the latter, and not just because the main character is a boy wizard called Nathaniel. My sister gave me Abhorsen and a really nice long sleeved black t-shirt. My mother gave me a red jumper ("put my best red jumper on...") and a dark orange one, both of which I'd actually bought a while back and given to her. Some times it's the only way to make sure I get clothes I like!

I went to see if Cino needed walking after dinner which he did and I found out that he'd got some presents for me. Clever dog. One was a little crystal dog ornament and the other was a 3D crystal keyring with a teddy inside. Not exactly my kind of thing at all, and unfortunately my first thought was 'I wonder how much I'd get for these on eBay'. I'm such a bad boy.

My horoscope yesterday on is_pisces read: You don't always have to fuss over everyone. Let others fuss over you this year. It's time for a change. Stop being the martyr. Everyone will be happy if you start to take better care of you.
I assume it means next year, not this year. I think it's probably something I should take note of though. It's the inbetween days now before the New Year celebration, I'll probably get a bit more introspective then. Goes with the time of year, don't you know.

of divination and astrology, mother, my family and other animals, ebay - it's made of evil, of books and comic books, i like presents :), apple

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