(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 22:55

I spent the afternoon making rugelach. I'd made the dough this morning because it needed to chill for at least 2 hours, so I had my dinner and walked Cino to pass the time. I don't know what's happening with him over Christmas, I thought I was looking after him for a full week but I've not heard anything further. When I got in his house, there was a tiny little card on the mantelpiece and two little gifts in gold paper, but I couldn't tell if the name on the card was 'Nat' because the first letter looked like an 'M'. Anyway, I made three different kinds of rugelach: fruit and nut, chocolate and nut, and fruit, chocolate and nut. It made nearly 30 so I hope they all get eaten soon! I brought my menorah down later on and sat it in the front window ready for lighting. I'm looking forward to it, the candles are so pretty, it will look wonderful.

I found my case in the attic earlier, so I've got that out ready for March. Yes, I know it's early, but it will be here in no time at all once it's the New Year. I know this from the speed with which my birthday comes around every year! I was sure I'd got one of those cases with the wheels and the handle which would be better than using a backpack after surgery. I couldn't remember where it was but I had to go in the attic for something else so I had a look while I was up there. It looks kind of big for only 10 days, several of which will be spent in pjyamas, but I'm sure I can always fill it up with chocolate. And porn.

I got a surprise letter in the post this morning from the Claybrook Centre. It had my next appointment date already! I expected that I'd be seeing Dr Green again, but apparently I'm seeing Lenihan - whoever that is! Not a name I've heard of, so I guess they're not as bad as Dr Green. The appointment is on January 31, there's nothing like short notice, is there? I'm still waiting for my travel expenses for my appointment in April!

And for those of you who demanded a pic from yesterday, here you go. Don't say I never give you anything :P

transition: surgery, adventures in baking, claybrook centre/charing cross, jewish, photies

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