So this has been making the rounds of fandom:
Your Friends Are Not Watching the Same Show You Are (And That's Okay) For me, at least, this rang very true. I often react to shows in a radically different way from my friends and from the rest of fandom, and I was glad to see someone speak to that in the blogosphere. For example, here are some shows that I have been watching lately:
The Scorpius Show (known to some as Farscape)
The GSR Show (known to some as CSI, sadly now on hiatus)
The "Peter Petrelli Haters' Club Show" and the "I Don't Care Anymore About Anyone Who Isn't Hiro Nakamura Show" (known to some as Heroes)
The "Beth is Still Hung Up on Season 1 Pairings and Can't Get on with Her Life Show" and the "I Need to Mention at Least Once Every Episode About How This Show Has Scarred Me for Life Show" (known to some as Carnivale)
The "Shut Up, Papa Winchester Show" and the "Watch Eric Kripke and Co. Fail Again At Trying Not To Be Incredibly Misogynistic and Then Lecture the TV Along With Anyone Else Unlucky Enough to Be in the Room Show" (known to some as Supernatural)
The "Let's All Ogle Starbuck Show", the "Laura Roslin, Queen of the Universe Show", the "Sympathy for Helena Cain Show", the "As It Turns Out, All of Humanity Is Kind of Bad People Show", and the "Did Gaius Baltar Always Have This Much of a Point? Show" (known to some as Battlestar Galactica)
The "Ana-Lucia Cortez Appreciation Society Show" and the "Complaining About This Show Is My Fandom Show" (known to some as Lost)
So now that you get the idea, tell me: What shows have you been watching lately?