I went out and looked at my bees today. I know it was too windy to make that advisable, but I hadn't taken a proper look at them in forever. They're in two decaying supers (on the bottom of the hive) and two new ones (yellow ones, on the top). I'm hoping they'll migrate into the yellow ones. The top new super is the first pic - a few bees and a little shallow comb. The last pic is the second/lower yellow super. They're filling at least some of it with honeycomb! Yay! I couldn't see much more than that because with the wind, I wasn't using a smoker and the bees were getting pretty testy. So I shut it down after a quick peek at the top old super (full of capped comb).
Okay, LJ is being weird and only allowing me to show two pictures. So that's what you get.