Yay, three day weekend!

Jul 03, 2014 23:24

I have a nice three-day weekend here. Another big bonus - there is no D&D! Yay! Not that I disliked the game, but it’s lovely to have the whole weekend free. Here’s what I’m up to:

Friday -

  • 10 am - Go fishing/berry picking with Jess. This will probably run to 2-4 pm.

  • Make deviled eggs or bread or a sweet potato pie for Connie’s 4th party, depending on how much time I have.

  • Post Temptation Brick.

  • Post another MBU chapter.

  • Process basil.

  • Invite Louis to hang out over the weekend.

  • Do first-pass book sorting of hardbacks.

  • Announce egg-selling at Southern Ag for 2 pm Saturday.

Saturday -

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls.

  • Take the accumulated clothes to Goodwill.

  • Take books by Gardners or the library.

  • Go to Southern Ag at 2 pm. Meet woman with elderberries. Trade her squash, eggs, etc. Sell eggs.

  • Drop off Elizabeth’s party invitation to Lauren.

  • Weed-eat blackberries.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around blackberries after putting up trellis.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around asparagus and in front circle until it’s gone.

  • Spread diatomaceous earth around the chicken pens, maybe dust a few hens with sevin that night.

  • Consider bagging peaches to keep the varmints off of them.

  • Have pictures taken of Jacob and I.

Sunday -

  • Kids clean rooms.

  • Do catch-up.

  • I might at some point write a review of Dharma Bums, which I finished listening to today.

mundane stuff

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