My weekend

Jun 27, 2014 18:36

This is a catch-up weekend, or maybe a relaxation weekend. I still have things I need to do, but I’m not trying to cram as much in there as I can, like last week.

Friday -

  • Go through the garden and pick everything ripe.

  • Pull out the books that guy wants, weigh and measure them, research postal rate, and get back to him about shipping them to him.

  • Invite Louis over the next day to hang out - either puttering in the garden or sorting books, as the weather dictates. But mostly just hanging out.

  • Cut my son’s hair.

Saturday -

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls.

  • Bake sweet potatoes.

  • Suit up to take a serious look at the bees. Take the camera.

  • Weed-eat around the blackberries.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around blackberries after putting up trellis.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around asparagus and in front circle until it’s gone.

  • Spread diatomaceous earth around the chicken pens, maybe dust a few hens with sevin.

  • Consider bagging peaches and nectarines to keep the varmints off of them.

  • Have pictures taken of my son and I.

If the weather is not good and doesn’t allow the above:

  • Sort some books in the library. The kids can help me with this. We’ll tackle paperbacks first and sort by author. I might have them do this even if the weather is great.

Sunday -

  • D&D - Hopefully this is the last game ever. It’s been a fun campaign, but I’m ready for it to be over and to have my weekends back.

  • Go through the new game books I've found and add them to the spreadsheet.

  • Kids clean rooms.

  • Run all laundry. There shouldn’t be much.

  • Fold all laundry.

  • Cook up some beans.

  • Cook up some sweet potato pie.

Parking Lot -

  • See about dumping the trash from my dad's trailer.

  • See about getting more mulch. First I’d have to get the trash out of it, which requires my father’s cooperation.

  • I wonder if that camo truck still runs. Or if dad would let me get mulch in the red truck.

  • Take the accumulated clothes to Goodwill.

  • Work on boyfriend’s resume. We still haven’t done more on this, though he has moved on to a new job with more hours, regular hours, higher pay, lower commute, and better benefits. It’s 4 days a week, which will give him a 3 day weekend that syncs up with my own. The downside is that it’s a night shift.

  • Research selling things on eBay some more.

  • Meditate

mundane stuff

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