Moar Weekend!

Jun 20, 2014 19:12

Things are looking good.

I’ve sold off a bunch of my ex’s loose end stuff and I’m making progress on getting rid of the game books. I have the SUV up for sale again and I have a buyer for the house. I’ve listed the funeral plot in a few places. My bank account looks healthy enough that I should be able to do another dump into my emergency funds, above and beyond the monthly allocation I’ve been putting in it. I’m also healthy, as are my kids. My ex is still dead (that is so awesome). My work’s going well. I don’t have any trips planned and I’ve mostly dug out of the backlog of work from the vacation and Mexico trip. My boyfriend has a new job where he will make a couple more bucks an hour, get more hours, and it’s much closer to the house. It will start next week.

It’s rained enough lately that my garden is doing well even without extra mulch. I ate my first two squash out of it last night! I should do some weeding this weekend, too, but I’m not going to get to it. Nothing looks all that bad anyway. What I really need to do is beat down the Bermuda grass that’s going nuts with all the good weather. So I’m going to be spraying for that where mowing and weed-eating isn’t feasible. If it rains, then I’ll stay in and edit those MBU chapters. I need to get at least one edited and out of the way, though, so we can publish it.

If the weather holds, I want to take the kids out to a pond and fish, maybe hang out and socialize with friends. I don’t think I’ll get to more than half the stuff on my list, but I list it because I can’t tell which plans will jell and which will fall apart due to weather or people’s schedules.

Friday -

  • Go to Skiatook. Buy Grass-b-Gon if Walmart has it.

  • Post The Fourth Stage.

  • Read Feed the Hunger.

  • Download work-related photos from Mexico.

Saturday -

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls.

  • Suit up to take a serious look at the bees. Take the camera.

  • Switch cars to my ex’s SUV. Put up the ‘For Sale’ signs in it and put my phone number and a price on them. Tape them in the windows.

  • If I have time to go by the bank, I want to pull out $1000 to go into emergency funds. Then I’ll electronically transfer a matching amount. (I keep as much in liquid cash as I have in the bank.)

  • Go by the Owasso Walmart if I didn’t get as much Grass-b-Gon the night before as I wanted.

  • Sell eggs at Southern Ag. Buy diatomaceous earth.

  • Might go by Thunderbird Berry Farm and get some fresh blueberries. Might take the kids in case it's a u-pick farm.

If the weather is good:

  • Weed-eat blackberries.

  • Finish blackberry trellis.

  • Install grape trellis.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around blackberries after putting up trellis.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon around asparagus and in front circle until it’s gone.

If the weather is not good:

  • Edit the last two MBU chapters. I managed to get two of them out of the way today at work. (It was a slow day.)

  • Sort some books in the library. I’m thinking the first division is make is paperbacks and non-paperbacks.

Either way, that evening:

  • I’ve been invited to attend a Cards against Humanity game and drinking party at a friend’s house. I’m thinking of going.

Sunday -

  • Review BB gun safety and use with both kids.

  • Go fishing. If it rains, I’ll edit MBU or sort more books. I might have company, so we'll see how that goes.

  • Kids clean rooms.

  • Run all laundry. There shouldn’t be much.

  • Fold all laundry.

  • Go through my closet and toss out all the stuff that doesn’t fit. That’s, like, most of it.

Parking Lot of things I want to do but don't plan to do this weekend -

  • See about dumping the trash from the trailer.

  • See about getting more mulch. First I’d have to get the trash out of it, which requires my father’s cooperation.

  • I wonder if that camo truck still runs. Or if dad would let me get mulch in the red truck.

  • Take the accumulated clothes to Goodwill.

  • Work on boyfriend’s resume. We still haven’t done more on this, though he has moved on to a new job with more hours, regular hours, higher pay, lower commute, and better benefits. It’s 4 days a week, which will give him a 3 day weekend that syncs up with my own. The downside is that it’s a night shift.

  • Research selling things on eBay some more.

  • Meditate - I actually *did* succeed in badly meditating last weekend, for all of 7 minutes before my daughter came down the stairs to require a snack. But 7 minutes is better than none and I credited a later feeling of relaxation to that small time I had. I’ll try again if the opportunity presents itself.

mundane stuff

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