
Jun 14, 2014 12:03

Saturday -

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls. Make them. From flour and stuff. With my hands!

  • Make a turkey stew - turkey breast, mushrooms, leftover bell pepper, wilted celery, chunks of sweet potato, squash, onion, garlic, bay leaves, etc. I need a full crock pot of something that will have around 300 calories per 12 oz serving. My original plan for a single crock pot of stuff fell apart when my first ingredient mix exceeded capacity. So now I have the crock pot going and a pot on the stove, and I haven't even added the turkey breast or sweet potato yet. But it smells heavenly all the same.

  • Apply those fertilizer spikes around my fruit trees. This morning I sold my ex's two mismatched china sets for $30, which I then used to buy tree spikes. It was a good trade.

  • Sort the boxes of game books originally intended for Dan. Relabel them in the inventory file. What happened is that I misunderstood what the guy wanted and sorted out four boxes of books he didn't actually want. Now I need to go through them and reassign correct box numbers again.

  • Repost inventory file of game books on Tabletop Gamers and ask if anyone wants them for $2000.

  • Sell eggs at Southern Ag. Up to 7 dozen right now.

  • Clip up another dumpster full of branches from my ex’s place. In mixed news, I have a buyer for his house. It's mixed because I think I could get more money if I held out and put more effort in it. I'm selling it for $75k as-is, so I need pay for no repairs or alterations. I think the house would sell for between $100k and $125k if I put $25k of repairs into it (and the time/effort of marketing and selling it). I don't have insurance on the property right now (it's hella expensive to insure an empty property, I have discovered) and my parents are nervous but not unwilling to fund the repairs on an insured property. Weighing that, I've decided to accept the $75k offer. I can't sell it officially until after I get title to it (sometime in August, if all goes well) and in the meantime I'll need to maintain it.

  • Spray Grass-b-Gon until it’s gone. Start with blackberries, then front circle.

  • Kids do chores.

  • Run all laundry. There shouldn’t be much.

  • Take kids to mom’s for play date with niece.

  • Research selling things on eBay.

  • List burial plot for sale on Craigslist and FB groups.

  • Edit MBU chapters.

  • Meditate. This should be possible since boyfriend will be working and kids will be out of the house.
  • Sex. Once the boyfriend gets off work, we'll have time without the kids. Finally.

Sunday -

  • D&D. This might be the last game. I will be so pleased if it is! I am so done with this campaign.

  • Kids clean their rooms.

  • Fold all laundry.

  • Take kids to play date at Boomgaard’s.

  • Go to X-Men movie.

Parking Lot of things to do if I had time, but probably won't -

  • See about dumping the trash from the trailer.

  • See about getting more mulch. First I’d have to get the trash out of it, which requires my father’s cooperation.

  • Review BB gun safety and use with both kids.

  • Work on boyfriend’s resume. We still haven’t done more on this.

mundane stuff

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