Nov 12, 2006 23:14
Surprise! I'm not dead! I really would say that I've been too busy to update, but it's more like I've been too lazy. Or I don't know what to say. Either way, I doubt anyone will even read this entry, but I miss you, LJ! I miss you, flist! I miss iconing and I miss browsing all those talented people's new icons. I miss my whole online life. But my real life has been getting in the way. And that's not a bad thing, but I really do miss everyone. Please don't feel neglected if you fall in that category of "everyone." I really do care about everyone I've met online. Sometimes I'll be in class and think about some of you.
I miss the days when I used to have time to just come online and do "fun stuff." Now it's all research and electronic submissions. I have a slew of icons I need to post that have been sitting on my hard drive for months! The thing is I always knew I'd have to choose between my passions, but I'm not doing anything else, either. I haven't been spending less time online to play guitar or piano or even make jewelry. I'm just either at class, at work, at home watching TV, or-on the weekends- spending time with my friends. Online time has just taken a back seat. Anyway, this was just a quick note to let you all know I'm still here (if you even care). Maybe sometime soon I'll have time (and the motivation) for a real entry.