i need to keep on a fairly regular schedule,
hard for me,
i am such a freebird...
however, it will help everyone and when i am rested, it will help everyone better...
mom stayed w/alan yesterday while i slept.
i slept for 18 hours!
i needed it, obviously, but i cannot sleep in that new bed, it just sucks me in, like a vicki-magnet...
i get too comfortable and i just can't get so comfortable now,
i need to be more on my toes,
more aware.
mom says it will be a long time until i am actually rested...she remembers from phil's death...
i just cannot sleep at night sometimes.
i spend hours just bouncing around on the internet.
just staring at pretty things.
i need to get to bed at a good hour and then wake up as rested as can be.
i went to school today.
whitney had emailed and asked if i wanted to join the advanced comp. class for a game of Scattergories.
it was fun,
but my brain just isnt firing on all synapses...
i wasn't much help to the communication majors, whose team i was on because i am a double major and they had kelly-ann come in for the english side...
alan is resting quietly.
my shoulders burn from sitting at the computer, maybe i need to raise my monitor.
good nite, dear family.
sweet dreams.