Nov 28, 2009 23:34
Finished "Modern Warfare 2!" Well, the campaign anyway, which really? It's not that long, especially when you take away all the different times I spectacularly failed during the last few missions. *headwall* Though, granted, it wasn't as bad as when I was nearing the end of "Killzone 2", but I think I've had so much practice with that particular one that my FPS skill has gone up a bit. To test that theory (and to attempt another platinum trophy), I'm going to be trying to finish the game on Veteran. Hah... yeah, I predict much swearing and anguish in the near future.
In general, the game is indeed very good, I have to admit. I was never interested in it, but decided to give it a try 'cause... well, just 'cause. It wouldn't exactly be a stretch of the imagination to say that I've got a bit of time on my hands. The graphics are, of course, amazing; the music, atmospheric and very epic in places. Controls are spot on. Story is both awesome and a little flat, the latter simply because it suffers from the same problem as pretty much every other FPS (except for Bioshock, that one actually had an engaging storyline). That said, for the brief moments I got to know my characters, I managed to form a strong enough attachment to them that I would be upset when they got hurt.
The game itself has also reminded me why I tend to despise war games, movies and even documentaries: in short, they're depressing.
But yes. Very good game.
Other than that, I've been working on "Phoenix Wright." I'm a little stuck on one point at the moment, but I can definitely see why it's such a popular series. Normally I'm not really one for the point and click type, but with this you definitely feel a sense of accomplishment when you find success in the courtroom and when you manage to sleuth out some clues.
*flail* I'm still having some serious throat issues. I found this morning that even just eating yogurt or pudding is painful. If I take some of that mouthwash and manage to get some Tylenol down my throat, I'm good for a bit. Also, warm foods like soup and porridge, and drinks like hot chocolate seem to be quite good, possibly easing up the swelling. I'd like to take some Ibuprofen to get the swelling down some, but we're still not sure if I'm able to take it yet. I'll have to ask the nurses on Monday.
Cory's brother is in town for a bit and they came over so that I could meet him and talk to him about my tattoo idea, being that the guy is a tattoo artist down in Calgary. It wasn't in any way a proper consultation but we got some ideas floating back and forth. He told me that to get the amount of detail I'd like it would probably end up in a 3/4 sleeve, which is a bit big but something I was thinking of in the first place. He also figures it'll take about 20 cumulative hours.
I'm pretty excited about it. :B This isn't something that's going to even get started for at least a year though. I need to recover enough to know that my body can heal properly and I also want to make sure this is something I really want to do. I figure if I mull it over for a year or more and at the end of that time I still want it, then I'll get it.
And! I totally found some old episodes of "SeaQuest!" :B
games: phoenix wright,
tv: seaquest,
games: modern warfare 2