I will remember before I forget

Nov 24, 2009 22:00

OWWWWWWW. *flail*

My throat is pure agony. AGONY I tell you! The only way I can somewhat accurately describe it at the moment is to say that it feels like I swallowed a bunch of glass shards and one rather large one got stuck in the back of my throat, thus shredding it even further every time I swallow.

It's lots of fun, really...

Asked the nurses about it today at my radiation appointment, just to see if there is anything I can do to help it or if there's anything I can take to numb it. No luck. I pretty much have to bear with it until it gets 'too bad' (which, really? What's their 'too bad'? 'Cause this is pretty effin' bad), then I have to go see the doc and he'll probably just prescribe me more of that horrible tasting mouthwash that kinda numbs the throat for a few hours if you swallow it. If I could just take a throat lozenge or something that'd be fine by me.

For now though, I'm basically off of solid foods though I keep attempting them. Managed to choke down a tuna sandwich at lunch. Attempted some garlic sausage earlier this evening and ended up with tears in my eyes from the pain of it. That NEVER happens to me. Just had noodles for supper. I took a Tylenol 3 to see if it would help (the regular tylenol I took earlier took a slight edge off for maybe a half hour). It's taken the edge off a bit so far. It's better if I don't let my throat get dry but it's hard when it hurts so bad. *shrug* Not much I can do.

All this just from getting zapped in the neck with radiation. I'm only on the beginning of my second week too... can't imagine what kind of shape I'll be in come the end of the fourth week. Hopefully it rights itself before Christmas though or else that will be the shittiest xmas dinner EVER.

As for my hair, it's filling in quite nicely. I think what was throwing me off with the colour is the fact that silver seems to be interspersed throughout. SO, it basically looks like it's black with silver. *shrug* Still, won't know for sure till it fills in some more. Hopefully in a week or so I'll actually have a full head of hair.

Played "Left 4 Dead 2" over the weekend. I had much fun with that one. :B I rock the zombie apocalypse. There's one level where you're running through basically New Orleans during a hurricane trying to get out of the zombie infested town. That was pretty intense. The weather actually frightened me more than the infected.
Also, that's probably the first... anything where I didn't find the clowns disturbing. Even zombie ones. When they run up to you their shoes squeak. XD And when you smack them with something their noses squeak too. Lots of fun was had.
Finished the solo campaigns (the 360 isn't hooked up online). I'm not sure there's enough to the game to make me want to actually buy it though. It'd be great to play with others, but I don't really have that option, so yeah...

Just started playing "Modern Warfare 2" today. I rock that one fairly well too, which surprised me. I've never been a fan of war games or movies, with the odd exception of Killzone 2. Apparently since buying that one, my FPS prowess has improved greatly (also noticed in L4D2). I've run through the first 4 missions and gained a fair amount of trophies from them. Died a few times just 'cause I can be pretty oblivious and I find the grenade danger indicator icon thingie is less than helpful.
That 'infamous' scene was actually quite disturbing and I was even shocked a little by it, but I think it's good to see it all from that perspective. When I heard about it, I didn't know about a crucial portion of it, which I think most people don't know either. If this particular bit was elaborated on, I don't think people would have AS much of an issue with it (not to say that it would make it less shocking). I'm being intentionally very vague because if I give anything away it would definitely ruin the experience.

Also finally picked up my "Phoenix Wright" game and have played that for most of the afternoon. I can see why it's so popular.

As an added bonus, I found the "Tactics Ogre" GBA cartridge in the Phoenix Wright case. Totally forgot I even had that. ^^;

games: phoenix wright, radiation, games: left 4 dead, pain, games: modern warfare 2

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