The Dream Doesn't Fade it Gets Clearer Instead

Dec 02, 2009 13:33

Journal Layout now in Holiday Flavour!

Just kinda pulled this out of me arse this morning. I swear, every time I have Matcha Monsoon from Booster Juice, I have to do something artsy. Yesterday it was two drawings in about 4-5 hours (complete with colour), today: a new layout. Being that I actually don't have any icons or the photos necessary to make them for D.N.Angel (the anime from which the character comes); or the desire to scour the 'net looking for some, the group of icons I'll be using for the time being shall be rather varied.
Once LJ stops being a douche and I can actually upload some new ones...

Throat's still being a bitch, though slightly less of one. Either that or I've gotten used to it. I'm still mostly eating soft foods or just drinking liquids (hence the new obsession with Booster Juice), but I'm now venturing back into the realm of solid food. Took me an hour to eat a cinnamon bun yesterday and almost a half hour for a donut today, but dammit, I will have them. Actually I should probably spend less time attempting junk food like that and more on meats and things, I'm horribly low on iron at the moment... and protein... Maybe I'll attempt a PB+J Sammich for lunch... We shall see. Still not feeling overly hungry after the juice though.
Another thing, my appetite has gone way down both from not eating much for the last while and just plain not wanting to 'cause of pain. Hopefully I'll lose weight from this experience if nothing else.

Talked to the doc about it today but he basically told me to not bother him about it 'cause it's pretty standard. Not bluntly like that but I'm pretty good at reading between the lines. Same thing with the pain/tenderness under my left arm. It's pretty much a 'suck it up and deal' situation at the moment. *fistshake*

On the gaming front, I attempted Veteran on "Modern Warfare 2". Lol. Yeah. I basically peek my head around a corner and get taken out. The platinum is still, in theory, doable, but not for a long time. I need a lot more practice at that game.

As a result I've switched over to playing "Dragon Age: Origins" primarily. Got hooked on it now, after getting used to the slightly convoluted control scheme. I can lose a lot of hours in that particular one. Been a while since I got rather hooked on an RPG. I don't think that's happened since waaaaaay back with "Final Fantasy X".

Also, finally got past the part I was stuck on in "Phoenix Wright", so I'm cruising along with that one once more.

Oh, I watched "Terminator: Salvation" last night. It was better than I was expecting. Still not a movie I'm going to run out and buy, but it was enjoyable. Could've done without the nekkid Arnold Schwarzenegger (I'm disturbed by the fact that his name is actually in the spell checker...) mind you (a computer generated or animatronic one I'm sure), thankfully you don't actually see anything.
I was also distracted by the fact that Christian Bale seemed to still have bouts of "Batman" popping up in his speech. I only really put up with that type of gravelly, grumbly, "I'm spooky" talking in the Batman movies, even there it got annoying. Little things like that take me out of the whole experience... But yes, for me, it was a good movie. I'm not, by any means, a huge Terminator fan, only really watched the TV series before this, but enjoyable in any case.

Hmm... it might be nap time soon...

games: phoenix wright, layout, games: dragon age, pain, games: modern warfare 2, movies: terminator

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