Dear Ben Cross (Letter 41)

Jul 25, 2013 22:58

Dear Ben,

I know this letter comes a bit soon, but I have exciting news (for me).

After 12 weeks at fitness bootcamp and exercising at home, I did my first sit up.  I know this doesn't sound like a lot, but it's awesome to me.  Previously I could only do crunches.  Which is fine.  When I tried to a sit up I flailed on my back like a rolly poly puppy.  Seriously! Now I can do a real situp!!  OMG, who knew!

I went to rapier practice today but didn't do any fighting.  My knee is reminding me that it is damaged and letting me know that I should not have ran at the soft ball game last night.  I find it a bit upsetting.  I have discovered the joys of physical activity only to be struck down by a bum knee.  I'm a bit frustrated.  I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and he is sure to be annoyed with me.  I am going to claim that it's his fault for telling me I need more exercise.  Think he'll buy it? :)

But really, I am frustrated.  Guess I'm just going to have to deal with it.  But damn it I need my knee to work.  Gah!

I also started a new activity today.  I did my first ever heralding.  I'm in the SCA and need something to do as I've been in it over a year and haven't participated.  So I have decided that because I have paid for my membership I have to do something.  My experience with Air Cadets when I was a teenager really helps and strangely so do singing lessons.  My voice definitely carried across the hall we were in.

All of these new experiences!!

Have a good night Ben, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite :)


letters, ben cross

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