For the past several years of my life, the first minute or so of this pretty much summed up my problems:
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Yes, the first minute or so is a good display of the mental and emotional pressures I was under, though they may or may not have showed. Ideas of worth, failure, loneliness, ridicule, loss- those were a far more bleak vision than that of being a bum or a criminal. I got no help from people hocking religion or the illusion of love, so I got used to dealing with things myself... which is unfortunate, because I'm a student of the School of Hard Knocks, so my resolution was a slow, painful and costly one. Now that these issues are concluded, I feel I have both the focus and the experience to be more sharply critical of others I see around me- that goes for everyone and anyone. No one helped, so no one is exempt. Don't think by kissing my ass you'll ever get off easy with me. You don't deserve anything- and neither did I. I don't need expectations to survive. You can go right on playing stupid, insipid games- in fact, keep pretending you never read this. How I act when I'm around you is how I'm always going to act under my own power. But I give no promises, keep no appointments and hold out no expectations.