Infrequent Post

Apr 29, 2009 17:08

Hello again - hope everyone had a good Easter. Not much posting from me, mainly because I'm currently levelling: a 49 Nelf protection-Warrior, a 35 Human affliction-Warlock; and a Gnome frost-Mage, Draenei holy-Priest, Dwarf retribution-Paladin, and Tauren enhancement-Shaman (all between 8-20). I'm trying to be good and level their various professions as I go as well. Outside of World of Warcraft, my life is about to get busy again on the music front, so posting will probably remain minimal.

Also, most of the things that are going on are part of a big bowl of suck and I don't really want to spam my flist with QQ. Briefly: on the work front my bosses continue to drain from me the last vestiges of job-satisfaction. I no longer care what they think about me, only that they pay me. With the return of the guy I was covering for I've been reduced from the dizzy heights of support technician to odd-job person (do deliveries, unpack machines for install, drive around the county listening to the radio). I didn't need much of my brain to do what I was doing before, now I need none of it. Fine, I'll keep it for my own purposes, the money's the same.

On the music front, my favourite orchestra, the one I really enjoy being in, the one that's doing the Saint-Saen Organ Symphony in the summer, has probably lost it's best cellist. His absence has left a great big hole in the middle of the cello sound and when I hear them now in rehearsals I die a little inside and pine miserably. He was only with us for one term, but made such a difference. Now we're back to the section sounding weak and a bit rubbish. Boo.

And finally, on the football front, Norwich are going to get relegated to the 3rd Division for the first time in 50 years. Which puts the tin lid on it.

On the other hand, I've got a run of The Mikado next week and I'm really looking forward to that, and we just had our 3rd Octet concert and it went really well (first time we've not cocked anything up. We're improving!) so it's not all bad.

music, games, qq, work

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