Gaming update

Mar 11, 2009 17:51

I haven't posted a lot (at all until this week) since Christmas. This is mainly down to having received a DS Lite (crimson/black for those who read my previous post). My poor Wii and PC have been a bit neglected over the last couple of months.

So far on the DS I've finshed:

Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Great game! I really enjoyed this and would recommend it to everybody. I managed to finish all the puzzles in the game itself (you can finish the story line with around half of them), but I haven't done any of the Professor's challenges yet. I'm saving them for later. Possibly a bit short, but absorbingly good.

Oh, and I must now point out that sigisgrim = Layton. I've thought this for ages actually, ever since I first saw a picture of Layton and thought 'hey, I know that guy', I just hadn't mentioned it yet.

Trace Memory/Another Code
Point and click adventure stories could make a real comeback on the DS. This one was nice but I did feel it was very short. Also if you don't find every single clue relating to the secondary storyline then you don't get a conclusion to it, which I found a bit disappointing. I wasn't prepared to go all through it again just to find out one story point so I got it from a walkthrough which I don't like to do. It did make me consider getting the homebrew Scummv to play all my (unplayed) Monkey Island games on my DS.

Chrono Trigger
Love. I never played this before because I haven't owned consoles up till now. What a great RPG this is. Memorable characters and events, real consequences to choices, story-driven, super music, good graphics even though they haven't been updated much, fast but flexible fighting system - in short, essential. I even cried a little at the end.

Final Fantasy I
Yes, 1. The first part of my grand quest to play all of the Final Fantasy games (well, all the games in the main series. Except the MMORPG one. Maybe only the ones that were on Nintendo consoles ... depends if I can find a good emulator for the PSX/PS2 ones). Very simple story, all quite basic, but I invested in my characters, gave them relationships between each other, and enjoyed myself. On to II.

On the PC side of things, I've finished Fallout 3 for now. Well, not really finished finished, but I've completed the main quest with my first character, and done quite a bit of exploring with my second one and I feel I've done most things in the game now. So I'm waiting for more DLC and mods to take me back. When I started playing it I felt that it wouldn't hold me like Oblivion did (played that for two years, over 1000 hours) and I was right. There just aren't anywhere near enough quests.

Since then I've found it a bit difficult to decide which game to play to completion next. I've started Baldur's Gate, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and KotOR. I think it might be KotOR. In Baldur's Gate I'm dying a lot, which reminds me why I stopped playing it before.

However, I've just started a WoW character (level 20 Night Elf Warrior) so finishing games may get a little harder from here. I'm a total noob at WoW having never played it before, so I'll have to see how it goes. It's nice so far.


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