Craig to Parker: All Your Money Are Belong To Me - Today's Recap, 4/20/10

Apr 20, 2010 15:39

And Luke hands over his "Chopped Liver" name badge to Carly.

Also? Craig =

That's a JACKASS, if you're wondering. :-P


So, I have to say, that while I still feel bad about Rocco's death and how sad everyone is, that this episode jump-started my Teri/Dusty fangirl heart a bit! Remember when I fawned over them way back in the day? Yeah. Same feelings cropped up again today.

Of course, I'm conveniently forgetting about how Dusty told Janet that he loved her and still wanted to move in with her and take care of the kids together. Especially since Janet basically told him to go piss up a rope. Somehow, she thinks Dusty and her father are the same. Every time she looks at Dusty, she sees her father, or so she claims.

First of all: That's complete and total B.S. Rocco and Dusty couldn't be more opposite if they tried. And second of all: That's kinda creepy! Yuck. Janet was sleeping with a man who reminded her of her father. Ew.

And thirdly: How how how have her loyalties switched so easily? She hasn't seen Rocco in what...17 years? How on Earth does she suddenly manage to feel more for him than for Dusty? The last time she saw her father, she was sixteen and pregnant, and he was kicking her out of the house. She has no idea who her father had become in the last twenty years!!

Janet should be more conflicted with her father, I feel. Yes, she can love him and be upset that he died, but there should also be a part of her that's really angry at him still...a part of her that has not yet forgiven him for tossing her out when she needed help the most. She struggled with Liberty, didn't she? It wasn't like being kicked out at sixteen and having to take care of a baby by herself was a walk in the park! Most people struggle with the anger of losing someone when they have good relationships with their fathers, so why isn't she? She should also be angry that she missed out on all those years with him, since she suddenly loves him so dearly. I mean, yeah...she mentioned missing out, but it was pretty lackluster, I thought.

Janet's driving me fricking nuts, she really is. And now she's all clingy with Jack, like she can't possibly make it through all this without him. This is a family affair, and Jack really isn't family anymore. Janet's not alone. She has Teri and Liberty and they're going back home to see her mother and the rest of her family. There should be no reason why Jack is going to go with them. He's done his work helping her fill all the papers out, and now he needs to move on. If for nothing else other than Carly's mental and emotional health.

Because seriously, if I were Carly, I would have fired right back at Janet today. When Janet snapped at her to leave her alone with Jack at the station? Yeah. It wouldn't have been the right thing to do, but my anger would have gotten the best of me if I were Carly. Janet would have had to endure my wrath. Possessive G is possessive. :-)

And God, Janet! I used to like you so much! Now I kinda wanna punch you!

Also? Teri Ciccone FTGDMFW today. Especially the whole ordeal with Jack. I know that Teri has a few issues with Jack because of what happened when he went hopping all over the country after Brad's death, but I think she was totally right today in asking Janet to get Jack to leave. I say again: this is a family affair. Jack really has no part in it. And Rocco was Teri's father too, and she should also have a say in who's going to be involved with what.

And like I said before, my Teri/Dusty fangirl heart got a jolt today, because she was really sweet and understanding with Dusty. Maybe if Janet decides she never wants to see Dusty again, Teri can jump on that! I'd definitely be okay with that. He and Teri are so cute and you can tell that Teri really adores the crap out of him.

And Craig today. Wow. He couldn't have been more of an asshole if he tried! Dusty asked him if he could pick Johnny up after school and instead of Craig feeling bad about Dusty's situation when he explained about Rocco's death, Craig basically rubbed it all in Dusty's face. Sheesh, Craig. A shred of humanity won't ruin your dastardly ways, I promise. Luckily Carly the moderator stepped in before Dusty flattened Craig's face with his fist.

And now Gabriel's moved into the Lakeview next door to Craig. This situation is so damn weird, I feel. Gabriel's like...stalking Craig, and still for reasons that are half-unknown. Ick. I'm done with this thing between Gabriel and Craig. I'd rather watch Gabriel and Liberty make goo-goo eyes at each other for the duration of Gabriel's stay in Oakdale (since we're probably going to be subjected to it anyway. Might as well mentally prepare for it).

But Craig still one lucky son of a bitch, because Parker totally let him off the hook with his trust fund today! Initially Parker had come to Craig to get the whole debit card thing cancelled, because he didn't want to be tempted by the money, but Craig was able to convince him not to close the account. Slimy bastard got lucky! So now he can kept stealing money for Monte Carlo with Parker and Carly being none the wiser.

And Liberty half-apologized to Parker about spending so much time with Gabriel. She said she wanted to "shake things up" because of the good news about her health. Though Parker didn't seem too receptive, given his, "Whatever" to her explanation. Not that I blame him. And apparently Gabriel's mother lost her battle with cancer a number of years ago, and that's why he's all up in Liberty's business. Or something like that. :-P I guess he wasn't lying when he said he goes for the "cancer chicks" --> there's really something wrong with that description. Not sure I'd want to date a guy who has the hots for my bald head. Not if I barely knew him. If I were Libs and it was Parker saying this stuff to me, I'd probably be over the moon. But since Gabriel is relatively unknown, I kinda wanna kick him in the crotch for being semi-creepy about the whole thing. :-P

Are any of you guys enjoying these episodes? 'Cause I'm kinda not. I dunno what it is...the stories aren't particularly bad, they're just...ngh. I dunno. They're not completely riveting. I kinda feel like these past two episodes have been filler. Or there have been too many scenes within the episodes themselves that were filler.

Huh. Either way, I still love the show. I just...want something exciting, I guess. I want the good ol' days of Colonel Creepy keeping me on the edge of my seat or Damian being unbelievably shady or (dare I say it, because it dragged on for so long) Holden being kidnapped by crazy Kentucky people. I need some action on my screen! LOL. Where's my summer blockbuster episodes? HAHA. Hopefully they're coming soon!

Oh, yes...and yesterday I was missing Nuke something awful, so I went to cheer myself up with a few fanvids on Youtube, and THIS TURNED OUT TO BE A BAD IDEA. I actually got teary-eyed and had to stop watching. :-/ I'm not disliking the current storyline with the boys, because you all know that I love Reid (and meeting Eric this past weekend really reinforced my love for him and his character), but I MISS NOAH. I miss the Noah who was just happy to be himself. I miss Nuke's sweet banter. Oh, Noah. Come back to us! :-(

Okay, have I severely depressed you yet? :-P Didn't mean to. *sheepish* I have high hopes for the future of our boys and will continue to believe in them! ♥


liberty, dusty, jack, gabriel, recap post, carly, craig, janet, teri, parker, written by g

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