How Do You Take Your Faith? As Snotty and Conniving As Possible, Please - Today's Recap, 3/25/10

Mar 25, 2010 15:50

So you know what I'd be okay with?

If everyone who Faith passed in Old Town would either punch her in the face or trip her as they went by.

Seriously, guys...Liberty and Faith how now switched places in my book. I never thought I'd like Liberty over Faith, but alas...the time has come. Why? BECAUSE THIS VERSION OF FAITH IS AN INCREDIBLE JERK!

What a bratty, snotty, flat-out mean girl Faith has become! Honestly, half of it comes from Lily, because Lily still has the heart of a jealous twelve-year-old beating in her chest, but the other half, I dunno. Faith claims that Damian is to blame, but no one can make Faith act the way she's acting. She has the power to choose how she wants to be.

Okay, let's back up.

Lily offers to take Faith clothes shopping for her first day back at Oakdale High, which Faith is not thrilled about. So Faith turns Lily down and asks if Lily can drop her off at the farm so she can spend time with Holden. That's all well and good, but the second Faith steps into the farm kitchen, she asks Molly if they can go shopping for clothes. Of course, Lily's right there in the kitchen to overhear her. When asked why Faith turned Lily down before if she really wanted to go shopping, Faith replies, "I just didn't want to go with you," to Lily. Then she says, "What? I'm just being honest."


Luckily, Molly catches on to the situation, and suggests that Faith go with Lily. So Lily drags Faith to Fashions where Faith remains an ungrateful, self-centered brat who thinks that Lily is trying to make Faith into her clone. So then Faith gets the bright idea to steal a dress while Lily's off happily paying for the other three dresses she's picked out, and then Gabriel enters the scene.

Don't know much about him (except for what I've read from spoilers, lol), but he helps Faith remove the security tag from the dress so she can artfully steal it from the shop. Already I am questioning Gabriel's motives. There's usually only one thing a guy wants when he shows up out of nowhere and helps a young, pretty girl commit a crime with no questions asked.

So then Parker ambushes Faith in Old Town and yells at her for stashing her pot in his room, and Faith's all high and mighty about herself (Gee, I wonder where she got that from *coughLilycough*) and puts Parker down for being y'know, a decent human being. Then Lily interrupts them, and they lie to her about their argument, chalking it up to Faith being a bad friend to Liberty as of late. (Faith's actually been a bad everything as of late. Horrible sister, terrible daughter, despicable friend, morally-corrupt person...Ahem. Anyway. :-P) Lily leaves and Parker warns Faith that she's about two seconds away from him ratting her out to her folks, when Gabriel shows back up and declares that the drugs are his, not Faith's. Oh yes. I see an attempted-rape case in Faith's future. :-P What else could this guy want?


Faith later goes back to Fashions to find him, but Gabriel has mysteriously disappeared DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! But the cashier chick, who's probably my age - the cradle robber - thinks he's hot. Why we needed to know this, I have no idea. Though I kinda agree. :-P

And this after Luke told Lily about Faith's little pill habit, and Lily and Holden once again try to lay the smackdown on Faith but fail miserably. Why do they keep letting her mouth off and storm out of the house all the time? I'm not one for violence, but seriously...slap that girl's mouth, sit her ass down in the chair, and LET HER HAVE IT. Instead we get Lily crying about how everything's her fault (which I don't necessarily disagree with :-P) and Holden comforting her by saying that they'll work all this Faith stuff out together.

Oh, hold on a second....*HURL*

Okay, I'm back. :-)

For real, guys...I HATE this Faith. At least the other version of Faith still had some cuteness to her. Some innocence. I mean, yeah, she had her bitchy moments, but she definitely wasn't as bad. This new Faith is an all-out drama queen with eyes only for herself. I say she keep doing drugs, get arrested, and go to jail. Then maybe she'll straighten herself out. Oy.

Molly was pretty awesome today. First, she recognized what Faith was trying to do (merely hurt Lily), then she told Faith that it's not going to work. I love how straight-forward Molly always is. She doesn't beat around the bush. She's very much "what you see is what you get" and I find that refreshing. She confused me a bit, though, with her whole conversation with Holden about their relationship. It sounded to me like she was implying that the relationship was getting too serious (or "heavy", as she put it), and I don't understand why that would bother her. She loves Holden, yes? So how could their relationship getting more serious being something bad? She made it sound like, "Hey, if you just want a fun fling, something spontaneous and romantic, then I'm your girl!" But they can still have that even if they are committed!

And they have a daughter together. How much more serious does it get after that?

Doesn't matter much, though, because Holden is still ridiculously loyal to her. He doesn't seem to be wavering in his affections at all. Not even with Lily's pity party today. So, that's good for Molly. :-) And good for me, 'cause Lily's annoying that crap outta me. :-P

And while we're on the topic of the Snyders, LUKE AND HOLDEN HAD A SCENE TOGETHER TODAY AT JAVA! Who'd they have to kill on the writing staff to get that to happen?!

So yeah. Luke and Holden had this adorable little scene in which Luke admitted to his father that he had "Bad days...and even worse days" now. :-( But Holden was pretty light-hearted about the whole thing, saying how it was a surprise that Luke and Noah broke up, and that since they were together for such a long time, they still share a bond that is very hard to break.


Holden also suggested that one day Luke and Noah may make their way back to one another, and I'm totally inclined to agree with that. Reason the first being that the boys didn't break up because they stopped loving each other. It was pretty much the opposite, in my opinion.

So, it was short and sweet, but I loved that scene nonetheless. Luke-Holden father-son scenes FTGDMFW!

Meanwhile, Reid bumps into Dr. Bob at Al's and Bob tells him that they don't have enough money to fund all the extra-special things that Reid wants for his new neurology wing. There was a very funny line in which Reid referred to Bob as being "six hundred years old" that just made me crack up. But anyway, Bob nixes all of Reid's cool plans and Reid runs out of Al's to pout, where he bumps into Katie and miraculously does not take her head off when she asks what's wrong. So she then asks Reid if he knows of someone who has buckets of money they'd be willing to donate, and immediately, the light bulb over Reid's head turns on. Cue Luke.

So Reid finds Luke at Java, and I have to say...they both seemed pretty nervous in one another's company. Reid opens the conversation with, "I'm so glad I found you here," and Luke responds with, "Say what?!" They then proceed to have an awkward exchange in which Reid continuously brings Noah up, and Luke continuously has to talk around that. Then Luke says, "Just tell me what you want, dammit!" and Reid's all, "Can't we all just get along?"

HAHA. I have to tell you, I loved these scenes. They were fricking hysterical. I'm surprised Luke didn't kick Reid in the shins under the table though. He was hemming and hawing like it was his job!

Oh yeah, and Reid totally made a Freudian slip.

So Reid finally tells Luke that he wants his money for the hospital, and Luke says, "But what about the other day?" Reid is taken off guard and says, "Nothing happened between us the other day," and Luke is all, "I know that. I was referring to the angry dude who kicked your ribs in," and Reid was all *epic blush/awkward silence*. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Smooth, Reid.

So then Reid suddenly develops a serious case of PMDD and peaces out after a, "If you don't want to help me, then FINE! *hiss*" because God forbid Luke want to know about Reid's history as a doc. I want to know why Reid is so touchy about Luke asking him questions of his past. It's not like Luke doesn't know that bad things happen and people die. Especially when you're talking about brain surgery. So why does Reid always get so upset when Luke wants to know about stuff? You'd think Reid would brag about it or something. (Well, maybe he wouldn't brag about the patients he'd lost, but still...) I think it enters into touchy-feely territory and that makes Reid's teeth itch. :-P

Anyway, Luke finally agrees that he's going to give Reid the money for the wing, but on two conditions. 1) Noah is not to find out that the money came from Luke, because Luke doesn't want him to think he's trying to buy his way back into Noah's life (ten bucks says Noah finds out anyway :-P), and 2) Luke wants a seat on the executive board. In other words, Luke wants some say in how things are done with the new wing. AKA Luke and Reid now have to work together. Especially since they shook on it. :-P

Oh, and when Reid thanked him, and Luke was all, "Wow, that actually sounded sincere!" - that was very funny. Luke is just too damn cute; I love him to pieces.

And today Katie had Chris on her show to talk about vaccinations for babies, and Alison helped Chris calm down because he was "too intense" (or should I say "scary"? :-P) on camera. So Katie now wants Ali and Chris to be regulars, and she's also looking to play matchmaker between the two of them. I thought it was funny when Katie encouraged Chris to give Alison a chance and said, "You never know what could happen!", because all I could think was, Alison will get engaged to you and then sleep with someone else right before your wedding! That's what's going to happen! LOL. That's mean, I know. Ali is slowly working her way back into my good graces. It helps that Mick is no longer in my face. :-)

Oh! And Bob gave Alison a promotion today! WHEE. Bob's the man. :-D

All in all, today's episode was really enjoyable. Lots of different characters, and lots of character interaction. Seems like lately ATWT's been getting some stuff right, no? :-)

Except that tomorrow is more Janet/Dusty Jack/Carly story. *headdesk* I'd actually rather prefer if we focused more on Liberty now. I can't take more of this! :-P Unless it involves Janet PWNING her father, 'cause he sucks moose eggs and needs to be put in his place!


gabriel, chris, faith, recap post, katie, lily, doc oliver, alison, bob, luke, parker, written by g, holden/molly

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