Just Get On With It Already - Today's Recap, 3/24/10

Mar 24, 2010 15:22

You know...if everyone on today's show would just stop playing games, be honest, and go for what they want, things would be much simpler.

Of course, we would have been out of an episode, but that's beside the point! :-P

All right. Henry and Barbara are officially driving me up the wall, but in a really sad sort of way. They both kept up the whole "Let's make each other jealous" game today at Metro, and the only good thing that came out of it was that Craig was able to realize that Barbara had no interest in Monte Carlo whatsoever. So he no longer suspects her as the culprit, but his things are still being messed with. And Barbara and Henry are still not together. In fact, towards the end of the episode, Barbara passed by Al's just in the nick of time to catch Henry kissing Vienna. And she looked heartbroken at the scene, which no doubt she is.

And Henry...I don't know what's going on with him anymore. I feel bad for him, because I truly think he's torn at the moment. He and Vienna talked about when Vienna had gone back to Sweden and how guilty Henry had felt over Brad's death and how lonely he was without Vienna, and my heart hurt for him. But honestly...I think he's much better off with Barbara, especially considering that she was there for him during the whole awful Brad situation and she truly cares for him. And Vienna has been pressuring Henry to have sex with her to a ridiculous degree. Like, let the man breathe! When he's ready, I'm sure he'll let you know! Geez. (Although he doesn't seem to need any time with Barbara, which is a telltale sign of his feelings right there!)

C'mon, Barbara and Henry! Get it together! These two are starting to make me sad! :-(

And Jack today...oh my stars. I really wanted to strangle him for the first half of the episode. And what was with Ballistic!Dusty? Holy crap! First he and Jack butt heads (because Jack's so far up Janet's ass I can't tell where he ends and she begins), and then Dusty goes to decapitate the dude who bought the house he wanted for Janet right out from under him. Luckily, after Carly yelled at the two of them to knock it off, Jack drew up the divorce papers and then went to help Dusty secure the house for himself and Janet.

And Liberty! I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...I actually kinda like her now! Agh, the world must be flat. :-) Her new actress brings a maturity and a calmness to her character that was not present before. :-) Her scenes were sad, though, because she basically told Carly that she thought she was going to die and she wanted Carly to help Janet get through everything if she does. :-( Sad, and scary. :-(

And poor Carly. Yet again, everyone wants her to do everything in her power to make sure Janet's taken care of, without any regard to herself. Why isn't anyone caring about Carly's feelings? I'm really glad that she let Jack have it after he got angry that she took Janet to Minnesota. Carly has a life, too, you know! And Jack...you better step it up, son! Carly is not as happy as she deserves to be, and you need to ensure that she is way more than you have been!

And Rocco! Who's Rocco, you ask? He's Janet's bad father. Of course he claims he wants to be in Liberty's life because she's his "flesh and blood", but now that he knows that Janet's getting a divorce and is engaged to Dusty, well...all his hospitality went out the window. And he thinks that Janet didn't tell him all of this (Dusty blurted it out to him instead) because she's ashamed, when really, it's because she knows that the moment he finds out about this whole thing, he's gonna pull the plug on his affections. And sure enough, he did. Way to go, Pop. You're awesome. Janet is better off without you. Oh, and PS - You don't get to make judgment calls on her life. Not when you've been the absentee father since she was sixteen.

And the worst part? Janet has no idea. She still thinks that Pop is going to give her a second chance.

But the end of the episode was really sweet. Janet and Dusty held each other and spent time with Liberty, and Jack and Carly snuggled on the couch and enjoyed each other's company. :-)

And previews! Are you ready for some more Dumb!Faith? I see more stupidity and getting caught red-handed in her future. :-P I was hoping that Parker would get to rip into her for the stunt she pulled with the baggie of joints, but it seems as though a tall, dark, and handsome stranger is going to come to her rescue. Drats.

And surprise, surprise! Molly's claiming her need for a big step back from her relationship with Holden. Gee, I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because she's being bombarded from every angle by Lily and her relatives to give it up and move on. Fabulous. <-- That was sarcasm, btw. :-) I called this!

And...hehe...are you ready for Luke and Reid? HAHA.

Luke: You need money.
Reid: And you're loaded.

Is this a recipe for instant BFFs? I think not! HAHA. At least we don't have to suffer through another day of Jack/Carly/Janet/Dusty tomorrow. Whew. I need a break from that!



barbara, recap post, henry, craig, janet/dusty, jack/carly, vienna, written by g

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