Margo: Hello, Luke! Would You Like a Dagger to the Chest Today? Oh, Good! - Today's Recap, 2/22/10

Feb 22, 2010 16:05

All right, so...I don't know if I should be upset or grateful.

Upset because, well...Noah was there! Right there, in the first scene with Luke! And then he suddenly went POOF! and vanished from the rest of the show.

But grateful, because...well, Noah was there! Right there, in the first scene with Luke! And they talked, and Noah was sweet, and Luke stood up for himself, and it was such angsty goodness.

Argh. Show.

Anyway, let's talk about the boys, shall we? Yes. :-)

All right. I have to admit, I'm loving all the angst and drama between the boys right now. 1) because Van and Jake do this so well, it's just so fantastic that you can't not love it, and 2) through all of this crazy drama, you can tell that the boys are still so hopelessly in love with one another and I LOVE THAT LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. Oh, boys. ♥

Aaaaand, what Noah said is true. He has quite possibly the worst timing in the world right now, but everything Noah said was truthful. And it wasn't all directed at Luke, either. Noah said that Luke would always want to help him (which is true), but also that he himself would just keep wanting to let Luke help him (which is also true). This is how a relationship works. The two people take care of each other. When one is hurt, they want to be taken care of, and the other one wants to take care of them. Human nature. So I actually understand what Noah's saying, and I actually think it's a good idea (moving in with Maddie, that is). We know Noah; he was raised by the Colonel to be self-sufficient, and Noah has always made it work. He prides himself on being able to take care of himself the majority of the time. So him wanting his independence in light of this new disability is not strange. And on top of that, he was able to be straight up about the fact that there is a part of him that wants Luke to keep taking care of him. (♥!)

But Luke. Poor Luke. :-( :-( :-(

Okay, so the scene the between them wasn't quite what I had hoped for, but who are we kidding? If you want the job done right, you gotta do it yourself, am I right? LOL. So the hurt/comfort scene I was wishing for when Luke found out that Damian was dead did not happen. (That's what fic is for.) And I am glad that Noah was there with Luke when Margo broke the bad news.

But only half of me is upset, because I completely understand why Luke did and said what he did. Just like Noah, everything that Luke said was truthful. And I think Luke's just kind of reached his limit right now, and I'm actually very happy that he got to say what was on his mind. He stood up for himself, got some things off his chest, and even though things are still crappy between him and Noah, he at least was honest. As was Noah. So we're finally glimpsing true honesty between the boys now, instead of Noah hiding behind his anger and Luke letting his guilt dominate him and the two of them having to swim through the mess of confusion with no clear direction of where they're going.

And they both said they loved each other. *_* Oh, boys. They need to sort this out. Seriously. They need an entire episode (Lucinda's cottage, anyone?) where they just talk about EVERYTHING. Mason, Noah's blindness, Dr. Oliver, Damian, their feelings for each other...EVERYTHING. As soon as the pain and the guilt die down just enough, they need to schedule an afternoon to talk. No interruptions. Just boys being together and honest.

And I give Noah extra points for trying. He is trying - Luke pointed it out himself, mentioning how quickly Noah dropped his plans for the surgery just to stay and be with Luke (even though ultimately, that wouldn't work out). It wasn't quite the same as when Noah came to the house to be with Luke after Holden "died", but...the boys are in a different place right now. They are connected but still so distant. And I'm kinda loving it. Does that make me a masochist? :-P

Of course, there's another part of me that's doing the Ants-in-the-pants "Pleeeeeease kiss and make uuuuup!" dance for the boys. ;-)

And dammit, where are my true Luke tears? Damn. I really wanted Luke to cry. Like, really cry. :-( But he called Damian "dad" again, so I'm satisfied for now. :-)

So now let's talk about Arthur. Who's Arthur, you ask? Why, he's the little boy that seems to be LIVING AT THE DOCKS. Seriously, doesn't this kid have school or something? Or how about parents?

Would you let your kid play at the docks by himself? I surely wouldn't! But whatev. He's not a plot device for nothing! (He's kinda the MacGuffin of this storyline, don't you think? Not to get all film-speak technical on you. :-P)

So Arthur talks to Margo, and surprise surprise! She finds out that Holden was the last person to see a wounded and bloody Damian off on the freighter to Malta. So while Margo's cornering Arthur and scaring the bajeesus out of him with her badge, Lily and Holden are whispering conspiratorially at Al's about how Damian sent Lily the note and the ring, indicating that he's still alive. Then Molly comes in and says, "HEY I SEE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A SUPER SEEKRIT MEETING, CAN I BOTHER YOU NAO?!" and then Holden and Molly run off to the Lakeview to celebrate Damian's life with champagne and sexytiems and a renewal of their relationship.

Then Luke breaks the news to Lily about Damian's death, and Lily phones Margo with a "Nuh-uhhh, Damian's still alive and I can prove it, so there!" and Margo drops in on Holden to y'know, ARREST HIM.

Okay, so, Holden hasn't been officially arrested yet. But Margo did bring him in to the station, and no doubt Lily, Molly, and Luke are going to follow him there. The preview for tomorrow has Margo informing everyone that Holden is going to be extradited to Malta to stand trial for Damian's murder. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!

Hehe. I love this show. You know what else I love? Janet Ciccone Snyder getting PWNED by Carly Tenney.

First of all, Janet clearly has her head up her butt. First she barges in on Carly's conversation with Jack (in which Carly was going to tell Jack that, y'know, his wife is cheating on him) and blurts that she and Jack are having a baby (which was TOTALLY NOT decided on!), and then later, after poor Carly scrambles from the farm as quickly as possible (presumably to drink herself into oblivion so she can get those Jack-Janet bow chicka bow bow visions out of her mind), Janet takes Carly's head off at the hospital and tells her to stay away from her family.

And quick as a wink, Viper!Carly is shooting back at Janet how she knows that Janet's been fooling around with Dusty. And that, my friends, is the definition of "PWN".

Let's go with Janet first. What the hell is this woman thinking? She's trying to trap Jack into having a baby, and thank God Jack had the sense to be like, "Uh, hey! What about this poor kid? It's a real person, you know!" and not just a vessel to potentially save Liberty. (Let the dumb bitch die! :-P) Every time Janet even thinks the word "baby", Jack breaks out in hives. THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Especially when Janet's privately mooning over Dusty!!

I have decided. Janet's an idiot.

She's bending over backwards to keep Jack, throwing all this ridiculous stuff at him to get him to stay, completely losing her rationality over Liberty...when it doesn't have to be this hard! Tell Jack goodbye. Go officially be with Dusty. Dusty will take care of you, and he'll take care of Liberty. And everyone is free and happy to be with whomever they want, and do whatever they please. The End.

Not to mention Janet's whole "Jack doesn't love you anymore!" remark to Carly. You better check your husband, girlfriend. He might have something different to say about that. And Dusty is FREAKING HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU! Argh.

So then poor Carly goes to Craig for respite. Which, actually, was a very funny scene. Carly knows that Craig will keep her sober, but that doesn't mean she has to be nice about it! Haha. So Craig kisses her head to comfort her, and she girly-slaps him away from her and peaces out in a flash. HAHA! And during the course of their conversation, Carly admits that she's no good at being noble, and suffering in silence is not her gig. Two of many reason why we love Carly so much. She's not going to let her knowledge of Janet and Dusty go to waste. I guarantee it! I can't wait to see Jack's reaction when he finds out, especially since he was all puffed up at Dusty the last time they spent time together. :-) Jack-Dusty pissing contest. :-P

So, anyway, that was today's ep. I guess I'm going to say that I'm grateful that Noah was in some of Luke's scenes today, because I wasn't even expecting that. So I'm happy we got to see both boys' pretty pretty faces and there was some sweetness and angst all up in there. :-) Now if only the show would make their storyline progress a little faster! C'mon, writers!


PS - Holden got Molly right quick out of that dress, didn't he? Did you guys ever see that episode of Friends where Joey unhooks Phoebe's blouse in one fast swipe of a finger? That's basically what Holden did to Molly today! HAHAHA!

jack, recap post, margo, luke/noah, carly, craig, lily, janet, written by g, holden/molly

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