Feb 11, 2010 17:35
Aside from Paul and Emily, and Margo and Tom (who wasn't even featured in today's episode), everyone else on today's show is miserable because they're not with the person they want to be. This needs to be remedied. :-)
Let's start with Janet and Dusty. Y'know, when they first started showing the love signs towards one another, I was so totally against it. I was totally a Jacket fan. But when Janet and Dusty keep having these adorable scenes together - like today's where Dusty made a face at Janet so she would laugh and be distracted from the needle in her arm - I have a hard time resisting them.
Add on top of that Jack's woobie faces every time he gets near Carly, and sweetly awkward scenes with Carly catching Jack with a black negligee in his hands at Fashions, and I'm done! Everything I felt before has been annihilated. In a good way. :-)
So now I'm kinda shipping Janet and Dusty, and Carly and Jack. Well, to be honest, Carly and Jack hooked me a long while ago. But today was the first day that I was like "JUST BE TOGETHER ALREADY!" at Janet and Dusty.
But Teri! Oh yes, my Teri/Dusty fangirl heart is still beating! But today she finds out that Janet and Dusty partook in that classical dance otherwise known as The Horizontal Polka. Oh, Teri. And on top of that, she just had to bitch Dusty out for treating her like a kid. Poor Teri's getting the short end of ALL the sticks lately. She and Luke should console each other. :-) Misery loves company, right? :-P
And since I can't ignore it, because he's on the damn show ALL THE FRIGGING TIME, let's talk about Mick/James/whatever/who cares. So Paul gets the DNA test results back and *GASP* it's a match for James Stenbeck! Paul was pretty badass when he went down to the station to break Mick in half. Unfortunately, Mick's wonderful habit of bleeding profusely from the nose interrupted what could have been a beautiful smackdown between "father" and son. :-) For a minute I thought Paul was just gonna leave him to bleed on the floor, but noooooo, he's gotta be all noble and take Mick to the hospital and stuff. Geez.
Which brings me to Ali. You guys don't mind if I...y'know, strangle her in her sleep, do you? She's been barking up Mick's tree for WAY TOO LONG now. She sleeps with the guy and now starts lying right to Casey's face about things. "Oh, I'm nervous about the wedding, that's why I'm pacing the floors at night." Two words: BULL SHIT. Stop lying to Casey - he doesn't deserve this! And I'm starting to think that Ali deserves to have everything blow up in her face.
Also, since when is a nosebleed a "crisis?" Ali says to Paul, "I have a patient in crisis here!" It's a damn nosebleed. Not an arterial bleed. Give the man some ice and send him packing! Sheesh.
Can you tell that I'm fed up with Ali just a little? :-P
And now Mick/James/whatever strangles the cop and escapes from the hospital, and Alison goes with him. Where is this girl's brain?! "Come with me," Mick begs. How about Alison just punches him in the face instead? :-P
And then Casey gets upset at Margo when she asks if he wants to postpone the wedding. Poor Casey. He's so adamant that nothing is going on between Ali and Mick, but the poor guy doesn't know the half of it. And Paul and his gun is not going to lead up to anything good. There's going to be lots of trouble tomorrow at the wedding.
(And holy night! Paul shoving a gun in Barbara's face and threatening to shoot her! Wowza!)
So Carly and Dusty "set the record straight" with each other today. And by that, I mean that they both basically just lied to each other about Janet and Jack. LOL. The two of them are standing on common ground right now - they should work together to get what they want! It's not like it would be difficult for the two of them; Jack and Janet are already following them around like love-sick puppies. :-) Carly and Dusty should totally team up to make things right! Haha.
PS - Billy got a haircut! Hawt! :-D
Oh, and I have a feeling that Luke is not going to be at Casey's wedding, let alone be his best man. WTF, writers?!
recap post,
written by g