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Oct 02, 2009 02:59

Day three, a book/ebook/fanfic

I have three books to recommend. ^_^

First, I'd like to start with Mitch Albom's For One More Day. Good Lord, this damn book. I should preface and say that I'm very close to my mother - we're practically twins - and she's always been one of my best friends. So this book by Mitch Albom totally took my heart out of my chest, stomped on it a couple times, then shoved it back in and slapped me upside the head. All in a heart-wrenchingly good way. ^_^

For One More Day is about the main character Chick (real name Charley) getting another chance to spend more time and make amends with his dead mother. If you've read any of Albom's books before, you know he has a very specific style to his prose, which I enjoy very much. ^_^ So if you love your mom, or just want a good read, get this book. It's quick and easy and heartfelt and wonderful. In fact, I just started reading through a few quick passages (which was dumb, 'cause now I wanna call my Mom just to hear her and I can't because she's sleeping ^_^) and I want to read it all over again.

My favourite passage from the book (had me reaching for the tissues BIG-TIME), is this part:

"Mom?" I whispered. I hadn't said it in so long. When death takes your mother, it steals that word forever. It's just a sound, really, a hum interrupted by open lips. But there are a zillion words on this planet, and not one of them comes out of your mouth the way that one does.

Next book is Anthony Rapp's Without You. You guys all know Rent, right? The musical that blew the doors off Broadway back when it premiered in the mid-90s? Anthony Rapp was the original Mark, who is the filmmaker in the group (ironic trivia here: in the movie (in which Mark is again played by Anthony Rapp ^_^), Mark shoots on a Bolex camera (that little black thing he carries around all the time with the little arm that winds around). I was a film major in college, and we shot on that exact same camera! Hehe. Thing was a BITCH to load, though. Putting the film in that thing was NOT one of my favourite things to do.)

Anyway, Anthony Rapp wrote this book, an autobiography if you will, that starts when he is first cast as Mark and it follows through his life, going back to childhood and then forward again, until you have been let in on everyone who has ever meant anything to him during his time on Earth. Seriously. It's an amazing book. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It's extremely open and honest and just a great read. He chronicles the rehearsals for Rent, Jonathan Larson's unexpected death, his mother's illness that eventually claims her life, his siblings, his boyfriends, his castmates, EVERYTHING. It's wonderful. I love this book.

And then finally, I would like to recommend Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. This book was FRICKING HYSTERICAL. I cannot stress this enough! I made an ass of myself every day on the train home from work because I would sit and read and just LAUGH MY ASS OFF. This book is fun and funny and sad and awesome. It's about Arnold, a boy who lives on a reservation who decides to go to a non-reservation school in a different town. I know, that doesn't sound fabulous, but it totally is. It's completely enjoyable. Thanks to Honey for introducing me to it and letting me borrow it! *smooches*

Here's my favourite passage from the book:

I'm all quiet and concentrating when I hear this weird noise coming from the other side of the wall.
That's the girls' bathroom.
And I hear that weird noise again.
Do you want to know what it sounds like?
It sounds like this:
It sounds like somebody is vomiting.
It sounds like a 747 is landing on a runway of vomit.

That passage alone is the one that sold me on the book. Go read now! I command it! Or, you know...I just highly suggest it. ^_^

Anyway, that's enough from me! It's like...3:30am and the reason why I'm doing this now is because I don't know if I'll be around during the day tomorrow and I didn't want to let it slide. Hehe. :-)

And regarding tomorrow's recap, if I'm not able to watch in real-time, I am DEFINITELY DVR-ing the ep and will recap as soon as I watch it! I'm totally stoked! Luke's gonna go strangle himself some Mason. ^_^


meme post, book pimpage, written by g

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